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Map Catchment Creation and interactive map visualisation

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I am currently working on an opportunity for a semi-public body that is looking to build an interactive and hierarchical map that will be able to show differences across various social KPI’s between different commercial areas across a country. They are looking to create multiple catchments around towns and cities by travel times – so 15-minute catchment (from town or area centre presumably), 30-minute catchment, 45-minute catchment and 60-minute catchment.

I spotted this data function on the community site which may be useful. Am I on the right track here or is there an easier route via map data layers or is there an exchange template that does something like this?


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Hi Dave,

The link you posted is for a data function that is used to calculate travel routes, which may be useful still for some analysis but if you're looking for trade area / catchment then I might start with one of these data functions.

Trade Area: 
Trade Area From Address

Trade Area From GPS Coordinates


Helpful link: Find Locations by route in Spotfire

The data functions I believe do require an API key with GeoAnalytics Builder.

One of my projects in the past required me to look up how many competitors lived within X miles of a given location.  For that project I used these two data functions.
Draw Circular Radius - To draw a circle around a given point.

Then pair it with a Points in a Polygon function to find how many competitors were within X miles.
Points in a Polygon


There're some good Dr. Spotfire videos to watch if you have not already:
Dr. Spotfire - Spatial Joins and Geoanalytics Tips

Calculate Distances to a Point in Spotfire Maps


Hope this points you in the right direction.

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