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Upgrade to the Latest Product Releases
Spotfire version 12.3 was released on March 7, 2023, which is the latest Mainstream version. A few highlights from the most recent version:
- OAuth support for TIBCO Data Virtualization connector
- More functionality available in Data Canvas
- More functionality available in Data flyout
- Execute data functions added to Automation Services
For a full list of new features and changes in this new version, please see What's new in Spotfire 12.3
Spotfire 12.0 is the latest LTS version. For more details on the difference between Long-Term Support and Mainstream release types, see Overview of Spotfire Releases. Check out the
on our YouTube channel.
Please note the typical time interval for LTS releases has been moved to September every year (from June), as noted in KB article 000051496.
Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) 12.2, TERR Service 1.14, and Python Service 1.14 were also released recently. These releases contain the following changes:
Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) 12.2
- TSSS can now be installed in an Ubuntu environment
- C# and Java APIs are deprecated
- Multicast protocol for clustering deprecated
- Third party software components upgraded
Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R - Server Edition (TERR Service) 1.14
- TERR Service can now be installed in an Ubuntu environment
Spotfire Service for Python 1.14
- Spotfire Service for Python can now be installed in an Ubuntu environment
Highlight of recent system requirements changes
- Spotfire platform: All Spotfire Server components can be installed on Red Hat Linux
- Computers running Spotfire clients (Analyst, Desktop, Web Player, Automation Services) must have .NET Framework 4.8 installed
For a complete list of all system requirement changes in products and versions of interest to you, please see the System Requirements
Highlight of recent deprecated, removed, and changed features
- Spotfire Server: The drivers for Apache Spark SQL, MongoDB, and Apache Cassandra will no longer be distributed with the Spotfire program. Subsequent upgrades to the program will actively remove these drivers from the program. Deprecated since Spotfire 12.3.
- Spotfire Server: Microsoft has made changes to the default security settings in the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The default settings now enable TLS encryption and require a valid certificate.
Information about these important changes can be found in the Release Notes for Spotfire 12.3, in the Changes in Functionality and Deprecated and Removed Features sections:
- Spotfire 12.3 Release Notes
If upgrading from versions lower than 11.4, please note the additional important change documented earlier:
- Spotfire Analyst: The jQuery 1.12.4 and jQuery UI 1.9.2 JavaScript libraries will not be distributed with future releases of Spotfire®. Your use of these third party libraries, whether in this release, past releases, or future releases of Spotfire, is at your own discretion, and is not supported or warranted by Spotfire. Please see Best Practices for Writing Custom JavaScript Code in Text Areas for additional information on using JavaScript code with Spotfire® products. Deprecated since Spotfire 11.4.0.
For more information about these and other deprecated and removed features in all products and versions or interest to you, please read the individual release notes, available on the documentation site (
Important Security Announcements
November 2022:
All security advisories can be accessed from the Security Advisories site.
Recent Hotfixes and Service Packs
It is recommended to always keep your Spotfire environment up-to-date with the latest hotfixes.
Hotfixes can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Portal and are documented here: Overview of hotfixes for TIBCO Spotfire®. Once you have logged in to the Support Portal, the hotfixes can be found under the Downloads menu > Hotfixes. On the Hotfixes page, Spotfire-hotfixes can be found under "AvailableDownloads" > Spotfire
The following hotfixes/service packs were released recently:
Product | LTS Versions | Mainstream Versions |
Spotfire Clients (Analyst, Web Player (Consumer/Business Author) and Automation Services) |
TS_12.0.2 LTS HF-012: Hotfix for TIBCO Spotfire® 12.0.x (Released: Mar 14, 2023) TS_11.4.5 LTS HF-028: Hotfix for TIBCO Spotfire® 11.4.x (Released: Mar 14, 2023) |
TS_12.2.0 HF-003: Hotfix for TIBCO Spotfire® 12.2.x (Released: Feb 21, 2023) TS_11.8.0 HF-003: Hotfix for TIBCO Spotfire® 11.8.x (Released: June 17, 2022) |
The latest Spotfire Server service packs can be downloaded from the TIBCO eDelivery site:
Product | LTS Versions | Mainstream Versions |
Spotfire Server |
TSS 12.0.3 LTS (Released: December 12, 2022) TSS 11.4.9 LTS (Released: November 15, 2022) |
TSS 12.3.0 (Released: March 9, 2023) TSS 11.8.1 (Released: April 3, 2022) |
Get Notified on Product Updates
Learn how to subscribe to notifications, release announcements, hotfixes, knowledge articles, retirement notices, and more.
Review End of Support Timelines
Review the end of support dates below and plan upgrades to supported versions, where you can benefit from security updates, defect fixes, and features available in the latest releases.
- On March 31, 2024, Spotfire is officially ending support for version 12.2 of the Spotfire product family. During the next 12 months, Support will answer product questions, but no new defect corrections, in the form of hotfixes or service packs, will be provided for these versions. The latest LTS versions - 11.4 and 12.0 - are not affected by this announcement.
Refer to the following Knowledge Base article for more details:
Support Policy (End of Support) for the Spotfire 12.2 product family
Refer to Knowledge Base article 000027258 for the end of support dates and end of extended support dates for all TIBCO Product versions.
Tech Tips
New Automation Services task to run data functions
In the recent Spotfire 12.3 release, a new Automation Services task was added. The task is called Execute Data Function and it enables running and completing a data function before performing later tasks. For example, opening an analysis and running a data function, then when the data function execution has completed, export the data.
This new task also enables chaining the execution and completion of multiple data functions in a predetermined sequence in an automated job. See Execute Data Function for more details.
New data functions released on the Community Exchange
Find these and others at Spotfire Data Functions. Follow on Twitter.
- Spatial Join
- Distance Matrix
- Nearest Neighbors
- Convert Lines to Points
- Export to Shapefile
- Fuzzy String Match
- Linear/Spline Interpolation
Top Support Knowledge Base Articles
- Error when logging in with Spotfire Analyst
- Spotfire JavaScript Mashup API stops working
- Error Python Package Index not accessible
- Spotfire Server and Spotfire Clients show different versions
- Can Spotfire connect to my particular data source?
Continued Education
We recommend that new Spotfire customers use the Getting Started and the Training section of the Spotfire Community for initial enablement.
Our new Spotfire website includes several sections for expanding your use of Spotfire, including a Resources Library, Demo Gallery, and information about existing Mods to visualize your data.
We also host Dr. Spotfire sessions, create Quick Tip YouTube videos, and post other great content on the Official Spotfire User Group LinkedIn group to help users with unique analytics challenges. Please subscribe and follow us on YouTube and LinkedIn to stay updated!
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