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  • Spotfire Mods Developer's Hub - Tips & Tricks

    This section is a collection of articles covering tips and tricks and some common code snippets

     Spotfire Mods Developer's Hub 

    Advanced Topics
    Tips & Tricks

    black_fastdevelopment.png.6ef14076bb82e7e2b248efd2f6c97c22.png Tips and Tricks

    This section is a collection of articles and script snippets.. The articles cover some tips and tricks videos and the scripts are portions of minimal code to perform common actions



    JavaScript Snippets for Mods

    Check if canvas is in dark mode

    //check if canvas is in dark mode
    const mode = context.styling.general.backgroundColor=="2A2A2A"?"dark":"other"

    Invert a color. i.e. takes "#AABBCC" color and returns the opposite color

    //revert a color. Takes “#AABBCC” color and returns the opposite
    function invertHex(hex) {
      hex = hex.slice(1,hex.length)
      return "#" + (Number(`0x1${hex}`) ^ 0xFFFFFF).toString(16).substr(1).toUpperCase()

    Calculate the max value for an axis from a set ofrows.

    //Calculate the max value for an (string) axis from a set of (DataViewRow[]) rows.
    //Null  values are treated as 0.
    function maxValue(rows, axis) {
      return rows.reduce((p, c) => Math.max(+c.continuous(axis).value(), p), 0);
    //Calculate the total sum value for an (string) axis from a set of (dataView)rows.
    // Null values are treated as 0.
    function sumValue(rows, axis) {
      return rows.reduce((p, c) => +c.continuous(axis).value() + p, 0);


    Show progress indicator and hides after 5 seconds

    //show progress indicator and hides after 5 seconds

    Check if analysis is in editing mode

    //Check if analysis is in editing mode

    Show error and hide it after 3 seconds

    //Show error and hide it after 3 seconds
    mod.controls.errorOverlay.show(["error 1","error 2"],"sample errors")
    setTimeout(()=>{mod.controls.errorOverlay.hide("sample errors")},3000) 

    Show a menu at the of the screen

    //Show a menu at the middle of the screen
    var isChecked = false
        {text:"menu 1",enabled:true},
        {text:"menu 2",enabled:false},
        {text:"menu 3",enabled:true,checked:isChecked}
      if(clickedItem.text=="menu 3") isChecked=!isChecked
      console.log(clickedItem.text, clickedItem.checked)

    Show a right-click-menu

    //Show a right-click-menu
    var isChecked = false
      mod.controls.contextMenu.show( e.clientX,e.clientY,[
        {text:"menu 1",enabled:true},
        {text:"menu 2",enabled:false},
        {text:"menu 3",enabled:true,checked:isChecked}
        if(clickedItem.text=="menu 3") isChecked=!isChecked
        console.log(clickedItem.text, clickedItem.checked)

    Creates a pop out menu

    //Creates a popout menu
    let isChecked = false;
    let { radioButton, checkbox, button } = mod.controls.popout.components
      let { section } = mod.controls.popout
    document.querySelector(".settings").onclick = () => {
        let b1 = radioButton({ enabled: true, name: "myRadio", text: "a radio" })
      let b2 = checkbox({ enabled: true, name: "myChk", text: "a checkbox", checked: isChecked })
      let b3 = button({ enabled: true, name: "myBtn", text: "a button" })
        mod.controls.popout.show({ x: 0, y: 0, autoClose: true,
        onChange:(e)=>{if (e.name == "myChk" || e.name == "myBtn" )isChecked=!isChecked}
        }, () => [
        section({ heading: "section 1", children: [b1, b2] }),
        section({ heading: "section 2", children: [b3] })

    Marks a row

    //marks a row
      async function markRow(d){
        (await dataView.allRows()).forEach((row,i)=>{
          let rowVal = row.categorical("Segment").value()[0].key
          if(d.category==rowVal) row.mark();

    Read document properties

    //Read a document property
      console.log((await mod.document.property("depth.blend.curve1")).value())
    //read all document properties
    (await mod.document.properties()).forEach(async (x, i) => { 
      console.log(i, x.name, await x.isList ? x.valueList() : x.value()) 
    //get a list of properties from array
    var props = ["FiscalYearOffset","MaxMissingTimeParts"]
    Promise.all(props.map(async (p) => {
      return (await mod.document.property(p)).value()
      //custom code here
      //read a mod property (await)
    console.log((await mod.property("trackDocPropMappings")).value())
      //read a mod property (then)
      //assign mod property value (nested await) from async function (i.e render)
      var nt = await (await mod.property("trackVisibility")).value()

    Read the Color Axis

    //Read color axis values
     //get Color axis values
     let colorAxisValues = [];
     let colorAxisName = "Color"; //or any other axis
     get Color axis
     let colorAxis = (await dataView.axes()).filter(ax=>{return ax.name==colorAxisName})[0];
     // get row values
     (await dataView.allRows()).forEach((row,i)=>{
        let aColorAxisValue = {}
        aColorAxisValue.color = row.color().hexCode;
        if (colorAxis.isCategorical){
          aColorAxisValue.value = row.categorical(colorAxisName).formattedValue()
         } else {
           aColorAxisValue.value = row.continuous(colorAxisName).value()

    Get visualization data table, data table column names and data types 

    //get visualization data table, data table column names and data types  
    let visDataTable =  await mod.visualization.mainTable();
    let visDataTableColumns = (await visDataTable.columns());
    let visDataTableColNames = visDataTableColumns.map(a=>{return a.name})
    let visDataTableColDataTypes = visDataTableColumns.map(a=>{return a.dataType.name})

    Show or hide tooltip under your cursor when hovering over a dom element

    //show or hide tooltip under your cursor when hovering over a dom element
    //<div id="myDiv" style="height:100px;width:100px;background:yellow">hello</div>
    constant myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv")
    myDiv.onmouseenter(e=>{mod.controls.tooltip.show(“hello there”)})

    Read a document property

    //Read a document property
      console.log((await mod.document.property("depth.blend.curve1")).value())
    //read all document properties
    (await mod.document.properties()).forEach(async (x, i) => { 
      console.log(i, x.name, await x.isList ? x.valueList() : x.value()) 
    //get a list of properties from array
    var props = ["FiscalYearOffset","MaxMissingTimeParts"]
    Promise.all(props.map(async (p) => {
      return (await mod.document.property(p)).value()
      //custom code here


    See also

    black_create APIs.pngblack_developer.pngblack_develop.pngblack_fast development.png

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