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  • Accelerators

    Accelerators represent a new approach to how Spotfire® engages our customer ecosystem: we created an elite team of Spotfire® field engineers and asked them to solve the biggest, baddest Digital Business innovation problems that our customers are throwing at us today using IoT, sensors, Spark, and Hadoop.

    Introduction to Accelerators

    Accelerators represent a new approach to how Spotfire® engages our customer ecosystem: we created an elite team of Spotfire® field engineers and asked them to solve the biggest, baddest Digital Business innovation problems that our customers are throwing at us today using IoT, sensors, Spark, and Hadoop. And we asked them to solve these problems in a way that's extensible and re-usable based on design patterns. And we asked them to build these solutions in a scalable, high-performing way, applying continuous integration and testing. And we asked them to document and package the solutions, for free community distribution.

    The result is a Spotfire®-led, community-engaged way to help our customers solve the "blank sheet of paper" problem that plagues most IT organizations.

    Our goal is to change the IT-to-Line-of-Business relationship when it comes to Digital Business transformation. Accelerators help IT say "yes" to more business ideas. As a result, they experiment more: when an idea doesn't work, it's killed quickly. If an idea is good, you build upon it. Accelerators help drive this innovation, which drives business innovation.

    Depending on the use case, Spotfire® Accelerators include event-driven rules in Spotfire® Streaming, predictive analytics built in R and Python, and Spotfire® analytics and dashboards.

    Accelerator Overview

    Steve Jobs once said, when he was at NeXT Computer, this: "The simplest to maintain, the easiest code to debug, and the most efficient piece of code... is the code you never write." Jobs knew, back in the 1990s, that the key to making complex technology accessible and innovative was to provide simple, easy-to-understand programming interfaces to that infrastructure, and to simplify the job of building the world's best applications.



    The Accelerator project is our effort to simplify the job of building great Digital Business applications, harness the power of re-use, and engage the formidable community of Spotfire® developers. We hope all our customers join our community effort to innovate faster with Connected Intelligence, to spur innovation, and to make the world a better place.

    Business Activity Monitoring Accelerator

    1-process-detail-1.thumb.png.62a015bb902cc5c10f8340f7f7254afc.png The Business Activity Monitoring Accelerator allows users to track business process lifecycles for SLA violations, stalled processes, and missing process instances. Processes are configured using a no-coding configuration approach that are evaluated at runtime. The Accelerator works both with and without an overall BPM control system. It allows for real-time tracking of process performance to determine if SLAs are being met, giving businesses the opportunity to take proactive action to correct exception situations before they escalate.

    Connected Vehicles Accelerator

    02-trip-location.thumb.png.58117d0f5a7d730dac6a54296a99eeb8.png The Connected Vehicles Accelerator tracks vehicles and applies rules against their locations. This could be personal vehicles, taxis, delivery trucks, passenger or freight trains, public transport buses, aircraft... anything that moves and produces a stream of position data. For vehicles operating on a schedule, it tracks progress and proactively notifies when SLAs will be violated. Positions are compared against configured geofences to determine if vehicles are going someplace they shouldn't. A flexible user-defined rule module architecture allows for fully customized business rules, built in Spotfire® Streaming and then visualized using Spotfire®. 

    Continuous Supply Chain Accelerator

    09-deliveries-2.thumb.png.35ba7c52cb1132434e6478424bce4f5a.png The Continuous Supply Chain Accelerator shows how historical sales data can be used to forecast future sales and model the impact on inventory in both stores and warehouses. Tools built using Spotfire® can simulate forecasted demand based on promotion impact, and the subsequent effect on stock levels. There are tools for modelling Economic Order Quantity and Safety Stock on a store by store basis. And forecast data can be applied to allocate stores to distribution centers using a constrained optimization algorithm. Real-time components capture live sales data from stores and update in-memory inventory models, triggering automated ordering from distribute centers when stock levels drop below the Safety Stock. A Vehicle Resource Planning (VRP) solution is generated on a daily basis for all orders, which allocates store deliveries to routes and calculates driving directions for trucks to service stores from their allocated centers. Those trucks and the associated cargo can be tracked in real-time.

    Data Historian Accelerator

    14-osipi-datasource-3.thumb.png.d69a49408f6ec11f455d742933cbb8eb.png Capturing real-time telemetry from data historians like OPC UA and OSI PI can be done with the Data Historian Accelerator. Users can navigate object hierarchies with an easy to use interface to setup subscriptions on data points of interest. These data points are then mapped into logical data sets which can then be passed to user-implemented rules and models that gather insights and predict outcomes. The data is then streamed into Spotfire® for real-time visualization of system state and prompt users to take action when anomalous behavior is detected.

    Data Replay Accelerator


    Once connectivity and data is captured from historians like OSI PI or OPC UA, the Data Replay Accelerator for Spotfire® can be used to help with identifying anomalies and troubleshooting systems. This accelerator allows operational support engineers to setup triggers on data streams from a historian. When a trigger condition is detected, a snapshot of related data before and after the trigger is captured, and users can then replay the telemetry at their desired simulation rate to help with troubleshooting complex instrumented systems.

    Dynamic Pricing Accelerator

    03A-live-dashboard.thumb.png.ebe45807db8508586faaf5642ab454e2.png The Dynamic Pricing Accelerator is a reference architecture and set of standard models that can be used to generate personalized prices for customers based on their attributes and behaviors. The included demo shows an insurance premium quoting business process. Based on Spotfire® Streaming and Spotfire®, it allows businesses to become agile and algorithmic and take back control over their pricing platform. It reduces the need for expensive black-box applications in industries like insurance so businesses can gain competitive advantage by building and deploying their own pricing models quickly and easily. Then using Spotfire® dashboards, monitor the performance of those models and make refinements as necessary. 

    FX Dealing Accelerator

    spotfirefx.thumb.png.ca9280aa4601b92d54354c6e6035864b.png The FX Dealing Accelerator is implemented via Spotfire® Streaming and Spotfire®.  It provides a platform for foreign exchange (FX) pricing and dealing systems and delivers the necessary service in volatile markets. As part of the Accelerator program, we offer the FX Dealing Accelerator (FXDA). The FXDA, available in Spotfire® Streaming, includes key components for quick-start projects: market data and execution adapters/handlers, components for aggregating prices, sample spread calculation modules, and Streaming Live Datamart tables. A sample Spotfire® and HTML5 trading application is also provided, which is intended to be extended in each specific implementation. 

    Grid Monitoring Accelerator

    dashboard-servicetype-1.thumb.png.eddae3ddd6fbdad254bc12bae81f1313.png The Grid Monitoring Accelerator contains components that capture and analyze telemetry about highly scalable data grids like TIBCO GridServer. It gives insights into the performance of individual engines, brokers, and drivers that comprise the computational grid. It presents the information for analytics purposes in a real-time dashboard, as well as executing rules and data science models to detect anomalies and give operations staff the opportunity to take action before errors become critical.

    High Tech Manufacturing Accelerator

    dashboard-widgets-production-line-1.thumb.png.2142edeefdae057ed8199dc5c699cda2.png The High Tech Manufacturing Accelerator contains components to allow monitoring of production line performance against established metrics using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). It also captures data feeds from sensors on production equipment, validates the feeds, and evaluates the data against configurable business rules. It also includes components to visualize all these activities in Spotfire®, allowing operators to take corrective action when production issues are identified. This Accelerator is part of the Intelligent Equipment Accelerator.

    Intelligent Equipment Accelerator

    dashboard-esp-welldetail-2.thumb.png.1d2aa64cd65972cabac5e19338763fc7.png The Intelligent Equipment Accelerator captures and analyzes sensor data in real-time from smart equipment and Internet of Things devices. Integrate through industry-standard protocols like OPC UA, OSI PI, MQTT, and Web Services. Alternatively, allows users to implement custom adapters for their own protocols, all the way down to baseline serial port integration. Apply custom validations, cleansing policies, rules, and feature statistics on data feeds to identify trends and gain insight. Spotfire® Streaming is used to capture sensor feeds and apply rules, and the system can be visualized on a live, customizable dashboard in Spotfire®.

    Intuitive Mining Accelerator

    02-metrics.thumb.png.4a4c6d644cda12660f60e6c916d9e3ac.png The Intuitive Mining Accelerator is an analytics dashboard that allows users to gain valuable 'pit to port' metrics for resource organizations in the mining and minerals sector. Detailed interactive analytics dashboard enable data transformation and collaboration, and guide operations leadership to make better strategic decisions. Developed in conjunction with Visagio.

    IoT Completions Accelerator

    15-coil_dxp-1.thumb.png.12c8e47e084b61db65c64ed992a78305.png The IoT Completions Accelerator gathers real-time telemetry during well hydraulic fracturing activities and display data on live dashboards. It give operators and engineers the tools to monitor and manage the fracturing process and compare with historical frac performance of similar wells in the same region using a combination of live and historical data in Spotfire®. Developed in conjunction with Rivitt.io

    IoT Drilling Accelerator

    03-well-explorer-2.thumb.png.b53f60c3f60320c5f97853918089e3d4.png The IoT Drilling Accelerator is a platform to consume drill head data from Oil Rigs, perform Analytics on the data and present to Drilling Engineers. The Analytics are performed in Real Time and the results sent to Spotfire® and Live Datamart dashboards. This gives an up to date view of Rig state and the ability to detect anomalies as they occur. New in the latest release is a model to detect Bit Wear.

    Next Best Action Accelerator

    01-summary.thumb.png.06df822ff98657f555a07e56ea775a2c.png Creating opportunities to improve customer engagement is made possible by the Next Best Action Accelerator. Define target audiences using a web interface based on Spotfire® and then link those audiences to offers issued to customers who complete qualifying activities to encourage loyalty and increase sales.  This Accelerator provides a reference architecture and code assets for building an event-driven marketing platform for customer engagement. It is configuration-driven through a custom web interface based on Spotfire® which allows marketing personnel to define target audiences and offers for customer engagement.

    Open Banking Accelerator

    07-spotfire-spand-analysis.thumb.png.2b6e49baebf9754e84a46309e36c2165.png The Open Banking Accelerator contains components that capture financial data from a number of sources via APIs. The data is then mastered in a master data repository where it can be cleansed and governed. The master data is then combined with operational transactional data and virtualized, making it available to other internal systems. The data is also then exposed externally through public APIs adhering to Open Banking standards. There is also a component that analyzes real-time transaction feeds, providing context for fraud detection and issuing personalized offers to the customer. 

    Real-Time Public Transportation Accelerator

    04-trips-trip.thumb.png.356b205847a5db2c544e27ebdec0f1df.png The Real-Time Public Transportation Accelerator contains components that track journeys where public transport agencies have provided GTFS and GTFS-RT feeds. On startup it pulls the static GTFS data from the provider and loads it into memory and makes it available to Spotfire®. Then on a configurable interval it will access the GTFS-RT feed and post updates to running trips including current stop and estimated times as provided by the agency.

    Risk Management Accelerator

    10-live-transactions.thumb.png.2d495b426cbb0f5e2ff00149df22d079.png The Risk Management Accelerator illustrates the the complete Connected Intelligence story and Streaming Machine Learning. Spotfire® Analyst guides data professionals through the process of developing both supervised and unsupervised machine learning models to detect risky behavior in a given dataset. The template is built like a machine learning tutorial allowing creating of a model using your own data with less than 10 clicks. These models can then be hot-deployed into Spotfire® Streaming for real-time evaluation of events for deviation from expected norms. When an event is flagged, it is alerted and the event processing platform creates a case that facilitates the investigation of the potential fraud.

    Track and Trace Accelerator

    containerized-complete.thumb.png.9033eed0083b984ded8548a4057007ee.png The Track and Trace Accelerator is a fully cloud-native application that actively tracks the lifecycle of packages through a delivery network. It captures announcement and observation events in real-time and applies against a decision table-based state model. Proactive SLA monitoring recalculates whether or not a parcel will be delivered in time and publishes alerts and notifications in the event of SLA violation. Parcel containerization allows for rolling up parcel events into containers and gives visibility of affected packages in the event of container delays.




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