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  1. Sorry to reply this case so late. The reason of this problem is the configuraration of the spotfire cluster. The backup folder will be randomly exported to any spotfire server in the cluster.
  2. Hi David, There's only one server for this environment which installing Spotfire server and node manager. The CPU of this server is 8 core and the RAM is 80G. Through testing, it was found that reducing the number of scheduled templates can significantly reduce CPU usage. We are currently observing this situation. I‘’m also confused about the problem you mentioned "Looking at your screenshot, there are quite a few analysis files that have been opened by a lot of users (and are still open, using CPU and Memory)." Because there aren't that many users at all, this situation of opening dozens of identical templates on webpage shouldn't happen. I can't find the reason in the web player log, but only the result like "I/O error on POST request for ...".However,there is some information in the server log (But I think this's also the result not the reason).
  3. Hello,everyone There's a confusing problem for your help. After restarting the server on October 10th, 2024, the TDV server service did not run properly. After manually starting the TDV service, Spotfire's CPU usage shows regular fluctuations, with a peak of 100%. At this point, WebPlayer resource (only one) is exhausted and templates cannot be opened. Upon investigation, it was discovered that a scheduled template has been continuously in progress.And multiple scheduled templates may refresh at the same time. So,I made all scheduled templates disabled and tried to make each scheduled template refresh at a different time point. Then,resart Spotfire server service.From 12:00 to 14:00 the spotfire is running properly and CPU load is normal, but the same problem reappeared after 14:00. What's the reason and how to solve it?
  4. Thank you for your patience. I may have found the problem that some information links in the templates have been abandoned. I will look for a few more templates to confirm.And I guess there shouldn't be any problem. Thank you again for your help.
  5. In addition, when querying all templates, the results are not displayed completely. I'd like to know the meanings of field DEPENDENT_ID and REQUIRED_ID in view LIB_RESOLVED_DEPEND.
  6. Something is confusing. I have chosen a template named ‘控制模版’ that contains multiple information links, but the SQL query you provided only yielded one result.
  7. Thank you for your reply. There are multiple templates in the library, and each template data comes from multiple information links. How to select each template and its corresponding information link in SpotfireDB. As shown in the following figure:
  8. Nice weekends,every one Now, I can select all information of item_type='dxp' or item_type='query' through SQL in SQL Server. But I don't know how to correspond the two, that is, which information links each template corresponds to. Is there any way or certain field to achieve it?
  9. Hello,every one Recently, I have frequently encountered WebPlayer service errors and also found that the memory of this node is fully loaded. This is an abnormal issue, as the previous memory usage remained stable at over ten percent. During this period, no modifications were made to Spotfire. I only found the following information in the node log. Does it mean that HF-016 patches need to be installed? Is the abnormal full load of memory due to the impact of these vulnerabilities?
  10. Nice weekend,Jose. This method is quite complicated, so I'd rather choose to create it one by one with built-in controls. But this method is an inspiration for other developments, thank you very much.
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