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WebPlayer service error and full memory.


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Hello,every one

    Recently, I have frequently encountered WebPlayer service errors and also found that the memory of this node is fully loaded.

    This is an abnormal issue, as the previous memory usage remained stable at over ten percent. During this period, no modifications were made to Spotfire.

    image.png.66ca918df31ca13d9322d4113bc0b058.png image.png.cee485ff8e8b3b42721076b1438a0048.png

    I only found the following information in the node log.
    Does it mean that HF-016 patches need to be installed? Is the abnormal full load of memory due to the impact of these vulnerabilities?


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Hi Mark,

I wouldn't be able to tell you if there is a correlation between the memory issue and HF-016.
Therefore, I would advise you though, to create a support ticket and have all the logs checked for the issue.

What you can do yourself in the meantime, is check whether specific analysis are causing the memory issues. You can do so by going into the management console and select your node (web player):

In the Log configuration link (which by default is set to Standard), you can then select DEBUG, Monitoring or Full Monitoring:

Once set, you can then Export the information via the Export button (just below the Log configuration line). Be sure to select the 'Export monitoring logs and analysis' option:

Once downloaded, you can then open the analysis file and check the possible causes (you may need to re-direct the data tables to the downloaded logfiles!).

Kind regards,


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