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Heleen Snelting

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About Heleen Snelting

  • Birthday September 3

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  1. Hi @TousifAhamed Nadaf thanks for your suggestion. The Developer module of Spotfire is shipped with many examples, did you get access to those? We recommend you explore those. If this is more about how to use the Spotfire SDK in general, we would like to point you to some developer training available on our eLearning platform (Cloud Software Group Learning Center). This topic is covered in unit 3 of the developer training available there. If you do not yet have access to eLearning, please email learning@spotfire.com using your business email address and first and last name and they will provide access to all the eLearning content. This is available to customers and partners with a current Spotfire license. Kind regards, Heleen
  2. Hi @Prateek Rawat 3 - did you already check out the various examples here https://community.spotfire.com/articles/spotfire/ironpython-scripting-in-spotfire/? Did that give any inspiration on how to solve it? Heleen
  3. Hi @Vincent Thuilot We relaunched the certification platform last month and the cost for certification at the moment are minimum cost. Please check it out here: https://www.webassessor.com/wa.do?page=publicHome&branding=TIBCO with the exam catalog here: https://www.webassessor.com/wa.do?page=enterCatalog&branding=TIBCO&tabs=111. We also created an overview of all education options here for reference: https://www.spotfire.com/education. We are not planning any certification days, as certifications should be accessible all the time now. However, I'll ask someone from your account team to get in touch and discuss the option for certification vouchers. At any time, you can always email us at learning@spotfire.com for questions regarding training and certification as well. Kind regards, Heleen Snelting
  4. Thanks for sharing the above @Enkeled Kanaj ! If anyone uses this solution, please add a comment. And we can turn this type of content into a community article as well. Heleen
  5. Hi Prashant, I'm pleased to let you know we have recently relaunched our certification program. You can register for your certification exam here and if you have any questions, please email learning@spotfire.com Kind regards, Heleen Snelting
  6. This article has been kindly and expertly contributed by Spotfire user Paul Hallimond and reviewed by the Spotfire team. If you are a Spotfire user interested in contributing community articles about solutions that you developed that can help other Spotfire users, please contact community@spotfire.com and we will help publish your content! Problem Statement In Spotfire, you can create scheduled updates to cache dashboards in RAM so that very large dashboards containing millions of rows of data load quickly and are responsive to the users. Platform Administrators need to be able to forecast in advance for new capacity to meet the demands of these dashboards and to be able to flag dashboards that may need to be reworked to improve performance. Out of the box, administrators can see at any given moment the Web Players and how much resources are being consumed by each dashboard on each Web Player, but it’s a manual effort to stitch that together in a large clustered environment and to then trend that data for future capacity planning and reviewing with developers. Solution Description This article explains which log file and elements you need to use to show and trend the size of Spotfire dashboards in your environment and gives a way to show the top 10 such dashboards so you can focus your team's developer resources there. Solution Assumptions This document assumes you are using Spotfire 12.0 LTS or above. Solution Approach Step 1 - Viewing the current consumption of a dashboard cached in RAM To view the size of a dashboard in the administrator console you would follow the below steps. If you open the Scheduling & Routing Activity screen for a given dashboard, you can see the history and for each run the Web Player and instance name it was loaded onto. For example, looking at a particular dashboard below you can see the following runs occurred: If you then want to see the current cache consumption for that dashboard, you would click on the link shown above to see details of what is cached on that web player node: The issue is that the above is just the current cache consumption number and for capacity planning we need to see the trends. Step 2 - Identifying the data to trend the consumption of a dashboard cached in RAM To trend the information, you will need to use information in the Spotfire logs from the Web Player tier. The log file directory on a Web Player node is typically here: [node manager install dir]\logs So for example: e:/tibco/tsnm/12.0.8/nm/logs The key log file we will need is called MemoryStatisticsLog*.txt Details about the information in this log file can be found here: MemoryStatisticsLog (tibco.com) Typically, you may have several of these log files depending on the number of instances on that Web Player node and the size of the logs as they max out and start another one. An example of what you might see is below in a Web Player node with two instances: Within that log file, the key data element we will use is SharedApproximateTotalTableSize which is approximately going to equal the Total Table Data Size column above from the UI. Step 3 - Trending the consumption data in a Spotfire Dashboard In this step, we will create a dashboard that pulls in all the log data to a single dashboard and shows the top 10 dashboards in the entire environment in terms of how much RAM they are consuming across the timespan of all the log data available. For this first visual, centralize all the log files into a single directory and then import all the data into Spotfire Analyst client. Create a line chart visualization of the data as shown below. Make sure you only have the below data element checked in the filtering section For the Cached Document Size convert the data to GB using the below expression Expression value: Max([Value]) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 as [Cached Document Size (GB)] To only show the top 10 largest Cached Dashboards we need to create a rule. Setup the rule as shown below: Use the below expression for the column field of the rule. Column Expression: DenseRank(MAX([Value]) over (All([Axis.Color])),"desc")<=10 After these settings are applied, you should see a revised version of the chart showing the top 10 cached documents by size in descending order. Step 4 - Interpreting the Cached Document Size Chart Some points to note: As the UI screen states ‘table and view sizes are approximate’ and so the trending data will be too. It is however accurate enough for the capacity planning purposes described herein. Most lines will be pretty stable and grow over time slightly in a calendar year as a dashboard would perhaps show YTD data that grows throughout the year until it resets in January. You can use the data shown here to make sure your developers have enabled rolling time periods and are not just charting an ever-increasing data set. If a line has a sharp increase, chances are the developers have brought in additional data to the dashboard. Some of the dashboards may have additional on-demand sections that pull in additional data to the dashboard. You can see that above with the green and purple lines, and you need to make sure you plan capacity for that accordingly. The data for each chart above is only for the cached version, but, if the analysis file is refreshed via the schedule while in memory, double that capacity will be needed to cache the new instance and the old instance until the refresh is complete. You need to plan that capacity accordingly. Overall use this data to plan capacity requirements and to identify dashboards that could present a problem to the environment and need to be reviewed by developers Step 5 - Automation The steps above give you a one-time view but it was manual to produce. You should consider centralizing your log data perhaps with a solution like Splunk or New Relic and then using that centralized data source as the input to the chart above. Review this community article for more on that topic: Splunk Cache Drop Alerting for Spotfire Scheduled Updates - Spotfire - Spotfire Community
  7. Hi Virginie that issue with the download buttons is now resolved, please let us know if you encounter any further issues. Heleen
  8. Hi Angelo, If you send an email to learning@spotfire.com we can give you access to our eLearning course. Heleen
  9. Hi Virginie - you can manually change the links for access to the downloads by adding '?do=download' at the end. So use the below links for now. We of course are going to be resetting the links on the Exchange items as well. Thanks again Heleen
  10. I can confirm the same behaviour. Thanks, that is useful input. Glad you managed to download this Mod. I can confirm I was able to download all 3 files. We'll look into the download links available directly from the Exchange.
  11. Hi Viginie and Yuji - I am also experiencing issues this morning with the downloads from the Exchange (not yesterday) - we are looking into it! Let me know if you need anything urgently and we can email it to you via managed file transfer. Heleen
  12. Hi Irmak - did you look for inspiration in this article? There are many examples of scripts there. Let us know if you find something that helps you develop the script you need. If not, share a bit more information and an example so that its easier for someone to give you some suggestions on how to proceed. Thanks! Heleen
  13. Hi Yuji, you likely are experiencing an issue caused by the browser. For Chrome we are aware of this and have posted the following instruction in our FAQ: We've noticed with the newest Google Chrome browser update that some Mods and downloads across the site are now registering as "dangerous" due to the fact they are zip files. You can read more from Google on how to adjust your "Safe Browser" settings. To access the download, you will need to access your full download history and click the button "keep dangerous file." With any site that offers downloads, your browser settings or company VPN may not allow pop-ups or downloads, so please check your computer security browser settings. Can you give this a try? Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be something on our end that we can change. Our engineers and platform provider are looking into it already. Heleen
  14. For all reviewing/following this thread - I can confirm that there is an idea on the ideas portal capturing this request: https://ideas.spotfire.com/ideas/SPF-I-4991. It includes a recent comment about alternative approach to try out. "In Spotfire it is possible to zoom into visualization details by marking data. This functionality will enable to first mark data points within a visualization and then show all values across levels of a hierarchy by using the hierarchy slider on the axis selector. The marking can also be further refined as you switch between hierarchy levels. This documentation page will help setting this up." We welcome any suggestions for workarounds in this thread. And if you haven't done so already, please vote for this idea if you agree it would be a good additional feature, you can add a comment about the value of having this freature would have to your organisation / work.
  15. Hi Ivan, Thanks for your question and for flagging this. I wanted to let you know that I'm trying to see if we can track down the original author of the article to see if we can get an update. I have added a comment to the top of the article to indicate the update needed as well. If someone else responds or you manage to find a solution we can use that information to update the article. Have a great day, Heleen
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