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Dave Leigh

Spotfire Team
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  1. Dave Leigh's post in Problems installing the Alerting Framework for Spotfire was marked as the answer   
    Summarizing what was done to resolve this issue.,,
    1) The requirement was to connect to the Alerting Database using Integrated Authentication.  This is also how Spotfire Server was configured.
    2) As part of the Integrated Authentication flow, Java loads a DLL to handle the Windows Authentication.  With Spotfire Server 14, the jar file is mssql-jdbc.jar version 11..2.3 and this in turn loads mssql-jdbc_auth-11.2.3.x64.dll which is present in the tomcat/spotfire-lib folder
    3) When we tried to setup the Alerting Framework to use these same files, the startup failed with a message "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load authentication DLL mssql-jdbc_auth-11.2.3.x64" in the catalina.log.
    4) This was traced to a restriction in Java that two Class Loaders cannot load the same DLL file. See this article for further details.
    5) The solution/workaround was to use a different version of the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver for the Alerting Framework, placing the jar file in the deployed webapps/alerting folder and the DLL file in the tomcat/spotfire-lib folder.  The exact version of the driver is not important, it just has to a different version than 11.2.3.
    With these changes the Spotfire Server and Alerting Server both started successfully.
  2. Dave Leigh's post in Missing Data Issue while using opening the report was marked as the answer   
    Hi Abhilesh
    We have seen this error with other customers.  It is usually caused by the HTTPS request to the Azure Databricks site being refused by a Web Proxy or Firewall.  In those cases the request was being redirected to a web page stating that the request was refused, which was an HTTP page for a human to read, hence the ODBC driver did not understand the response.
    If this is the first time you are deploying to the Web Player, please confirm that the server in question has access to the following URLs as listed in the Installation Guide:
    https://login.microsoft.com/* https://<databse name>.azuredatabricks.net/*
      If the Web Player was previously working and is now failing, then you should check with your IT team to see if any changes were made that would prevent the server accessing these URLs.
    The Connector allows the Web Proxy settings to be specified for just Web Player connections, so this might also be required in your environment.
  3. Dave Leigh's post in CustomConnector OSDU: What might be the reason for the following error message "Error message: Error retrieving Provider Data: Provider is Null in Credentials"? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jørn
    Please update to v23 of the Spotfire OSDU Connector that is now available on the Connector page:
    This should resolve your issue. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.
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