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Dave Leigh

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  1. Hi Madhavi I just noticed in the two screenshots you sent me that the hostnames in the server URL's are different. Did you install the alerting war file under the Spotfire server or on a standalone tomcat instance? Cheers Dave
  2. Hi Madhavi Can you confirm that the status page is still showing green, all good? It's odd that you would get a 404 if the server is up and running and you were previously able to see the Alerts Panel. Also, can you confirm exactly what step in the process you get the 404 error. Cheers Dave
  3. Hi Praveen Basically getting email working is harder than it should be as a lot of the time the servers treat any incorrect attempt as SPAM and do not give any error messages. Can you confirm the following: You are running the latest Alerting Framework, that is V2 The settings in the Alerting Configuration match exactly those that you are using for the AS Job Builder The AS instance that the email is working correctly on is the same instance as the one used by the Alerting Framework (if not, please check the firewall rules) It is our intention to build a Test Email button into the framework to help debug these issues but for now we are stuck with troubleshooting step by step. Cheers Dave
  4. Hi Andrew There is version 17.1 available on the site now with new signing certificates. No code changes from v17. Cheers Dave
  5. I found the following entry in one of our Support Tickets for the same error message: Resolution: It typically helps to load the "vctrs" package before each data function's TERR script loads the "dplyr" package (or any other CRAN package). That is, use a sequence similar to the following commands at the very beginning of the script: library(vctrs) ibrary(dplyr) Also: remove dplyr (and other CRAN packages) from the data function's "Packages (separated by semicolons):" field in the data function's "Edit Script" dialog. (Otherwise, the Spotfire data function framework will make calls like 'library(dplyr)' before it starts to run the data function's TERR script.) . Background: The namespace for the "vctrs" package hasn't finished loading before the hidden .onLoad() initialization functions for "dplyr", "glue" and/or "tibble" (and others) try to use objects that only exist in the "vctrs" namespace. Calling library(vctrs) before calling library() for any other CRAN package helps to get the "vctrs" namespace fully loaded into the TERR session's working memory before the other packages need it. Hopefully this will work for you. Cheers Dave
  6. Hi Andrew Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The problem was caused by the signing server timestamp not getting added to the signature. So even though the certificate was valid when the package was signed, it does not validate now. I am working on getting a newly signed version uploaded. Cheers Dave
  7. Hi Scott I will take a look and get back to you. I will message you directly if I need more information. Cheers Dave
  8. Summarizing what was done to resolve this issue.,, 1) The requirement was to connect to the Alerting Database using Integrated Authentication. This is also how Spotfire Server was configured. 2) As part of the Integrated Authentication flow, Java loads a DLL to handle the Windows Authentication. With Spotfire Server 14, the jar file is mssql-jdbc.jar version 11..2.3 and this in turn loads mssql-jdbc_auth-11.2.3.x64.dll which is present in the tomcat/spotfire-lib folder 3) When we tried to setup the Alerting Framework to use these same files, the startup failed with a message "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load authentication DLL mssql-jdbc_auth-11.2.3.x64" in the catalina.log. 4) This was traced to a restriction in Java that two Class Loaders cannot load the same DLL file. See this article for further details. 5) The solution/workaround was to use a different version of the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver for the Alerting Framework, placing the jar file in the deployed webapps/alerting folder and the DLL file in the tomcat/spotfire-lib folder. The exact version of the driver is not important, it just has to a different version than 11.2.3. With these changes the Spotfire Server and Alerting Server both started successfully.
  9. Hi Mathew This page from Microsoft provides some more advice on how to connect using their JDBC driver. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/connecting-with-ssl-encryption?view=sql-server-ver16 Please check whether any of their recommendations resolve your issue. If you are still stuck, message me directly via my profile and we will setup a troubleshooting session. Cheers Dave
  10. Hi Mathew Basically the application won't start as the database connection pool cannot be instantiated. This usually means that either the database connection details are wrong or there is a problem physically opening a connection such as a firewall, network or security issue. From the log it looks like you are using SQL Server. It also looks like the connection is failing due to problems checking the certificate Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target In our own SQL Server environment we work around this issue by adding "encrypt=false" to the connection string as below: spring.quartz.properties.org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.MSSQLDelegate spring.datasource.url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\\test:1433;encrypt=false;databaseName=spotfire14_alerting Can you try this and see if it fixes the problem? Cheers Dave
  11. Hi Abhilesh We have seen this error with other customers. It is usually caused by the HTTPS request to the Azure Databricks site being refused by a Web Proxy or Firewall. In those cases the request was being redirected to a web page stating that the request was refused, which was an HTTP page for a human to read, hence the ODBC driver did not understand the response. If this is the first time you are deploying to the Web Player, please confirm that the server in question has access to the following URLs as listed in the Installation Guide: https://login.microsoft.com/* https://<databse name>.azuredatabricks.net/* If the Web Player was previously working and is now failing, then you should check with your IT team to see if any changes were made that would prevent the server accessing these URLs. The Connector allows the Web Proxy settings to be specified for just Web Player connections, so this might also be required in your environment. Cheers Dave
  12. Hi Gregory Spotfire 14.0 added some capabilities to format Excel exports, but from your description it doesn't quite have the features that you neeed. In the field teams, we are working on a capability for creating PowerPoint exports by inserting Spotfire images and text into a pre-created PowerPoint file, but we are not currently working on anything similar for Excel. Depending on your level of expertise with Python, you might be able to take the approach demonstrated in this article and use a different python library, something like openpyxl, to achieve the desired result. It should also be possible to use the Python library inside Spotfire with IronPython if you don't have access to a Python Service instance. These are non-trivial options but maybe someone else on the Community has already worked on this and would be willing to share their work or advice. Cheers Dave
  13. Hi Lawrence The first thing to check is that you updated the Web Player Service so that it now includes the new module for the Custom Connector. Typically this message indicates that the module is not deployed on the Web Player Service. You can do this in the Web Administration GUI by going to Nodes and Services and clicking on the Web Player Service (not the instance) and looking at the bottom half of the screen. If you see a message like the one below where the installed version is None then you need to click on the Update Service button to install those Modules. Be aware that this will restart the Web Player instance(s) so make sure nobody is in the middle of any work before you do. If everything looks correct and the module is indeed installed, then the next step would be to look in the Web Player log files at around the time you receive the error and post any error messages to see if we can determine what is going on. Cheers Dave
  14. Hi Prabakaran Reading between the lines of your previous answers it sounds like you do not have the existing installation files for the Alerting Extension. As mentioned in the article, we are no longer supplying the previous version of this tool to new users. Only users who previously purchased this extension as part of a Professional Services engagement prior to November 2023 are able to download and install the Alerting Extension. Going forward a new version of the tool called "Alerting Framework for Spotfire" will become available shortly. This will become available on the Spotfire Community once it is ready. If I have misunderstood your situation, please feel free to reach out to me directly so we can have a discussion about your exact needs. Cheers Dave
  15. Hi Chris If there is a problem showing the alert in the subscription panel, your best option would be to update the database table that controls the subscriptions and set the enabled flag to false or 0. The table within the alerting database is called "SUBSCRIPTIONS". You can locate the subscription by searching on the various columns in the database including "ANALYSISPATH" and "FROMNAME". select subscription_id from subscriptions where analysispath contains '%mydxp%' Once you have the single subscription_id you can disable the subscription as follows: update subscriptions set enabled = 0 where subscription_id = 'xxx' We are working on a Community version of the Alerting Framework which will contain better visibility and operational management for admins to perform these kind of tasks. If you have any trouble getting the alert disabled, please feel free to reach out to my directly. Cheers Dave
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