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One parameter for multiple information links

Thomas Carlough 2
Go to solution Solved by Enkeled Kanaj,

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  • 2 years later...
Has there been any development on this I have also been trying to figure this out. I have common columns across several incoming info links and want to be able to just filter/prompt "Date" once and not have to click through 7 menus applying the same prompt over and over. Thanks in advance!
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  • 4 years later...

Hi Enke 

Have you tried this solution from @Sean Riley?


If you set up the 7 tables as on-demand data tables, you can set the input parameter to be the same document property. That way you can update the document property and all information links will be updated based on that shared value.


Other options are :

  • a script with Iron Python
  • adding a parameter on the Information links with the same name (via the filter section or by editing the underlying SQL with the "condition=?parameter_name" syntax)


I hope this helps

Edited by Olivier Keugue Tadaa
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You can make this happen, if you change the SQL of your information links directly. By doing so, you can add prompts in the WHERE clause that override the ones you create in the information link's prompts/filters settings.
By adding a code like (Date = ?Date) in the WHERE clause, you can set up a prompt. If you would do this for all your information links, this is how it would look like (example of 2 information links):

Info link 1
Select Region, State, City, Person, Birthdate
From Geo
(Birthdate = ?Date)

Info link2
Select Order, Product, Purchasedate
From Orders
(Purchasedate= ?Date)

Now, if you save your analysis file and reopen it, you will get the Date prompt only once, allowing you to render data for all information links with the same filter on Date.

Kind regards,


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Thanks David,

This illustrates the second option below 👇

1 hour ago, Olivier Keugue Tadaa said:

Hi Enke 

Have you tried this solution from @Sean Riley?


Other options are :

  • a script with Iron Python
  • adding a parameter on the Information links with the same name (via the filter section or by editing the underlying SQL with the "condition=?parameter_name" syntax)


I hope this helps


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Hi Enke

Yes, you can proceed like this to avoid modifying the SQL, which is something we don't want after all.


Add the filter value as a ?parameter and click refresh the parameter to check the name and the data type as well as the values type

repeat this for all your information links 

You will be prompted only once when you reopen your dashboard.



Note that this approach is a programmatic one and the value can also be provided using API calls or configuration blocks (see here for more information about configuration blocks

I hope it helps

Let me know how it worked 


Edited by Olivier Keugue Tadaa
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2 minutes ago, Enke said:

Yes, it works without prompts but that needs to include only one value not all.


I used to work with sap bi which was great. This tool is difficult for non proffesionals.

I see. So you have many parameters. What do you mean by "difficult for non-professionals"? You have an intuitive end-user interface for built-in features. Depending on what you need to achieve, we are suggesting alternatives for not out-of-the-box features like this one. You can submit an idea on our idea portal or vote/complete this one https://ideas.spotfire.com/ideas/TS-I-6590 

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Thanks! I voted. In Sap BI when we use the same name and description it automatically merges the prompts of several queries.


Also the prompt list should be with a search list. My database have thousand nodes (elements). We are using this for telecominication KPIs. Why should we scroll down to find the name this primitive way.


Include this idea too please.


Thank you!

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Posted (edited)

Hi Oliver,


I solved it! I took the same idea from SAP BI called taking dimensions from another query. On demand setting I defined Input from the one main information link configured with prompt. all other Information Links left without prompts but taking as input the column from the information link with prompt.


Edited by Enke
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I skipped the prompts at all.  For date I created a text and to "HTML edit" I putted the below html and java script and linked to document properties then to load on demand i linked the range of date to these document properties. All it works prefect. even for the main dimension I created a filter linked to document properties like here (https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-Create-a-Property-Control-Filter-with-Partial-String-Matching) everything is loaded instantly because I have checked load automatically.


From Date
<span id="fdate">
   <SpotfireControl id="db61d1d0e2eb4742b874ad7b97eafe2d" /> (fromdate to document properties)
To Date
<span id="tdate">
   <SpotfireControl id="d5c82621435f47e3b0520050518b40ef" /> (todate to document properties)


dateInput = document.querySelector("#fdate input")
dateInput.onchange = ()=>{dateInput.focus();dateInput.blur();}

dateInput = document.querySelector("#tdate input")
dateInput.onchange = ()=>{dateInput.focus();dateInput.blur();}


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