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Showing results for Yesterday, MTD and YTD

Casy Horsley

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I have a cross table that I need to display admissions for "Yesterday", "MTD" and "YTD". These are broken down by type and location. I've tried creating a calculated column but the formula is either incorrect or that is not the approach I should be taking. What would be recommended to display these values in columns of a cross table

Example formula for MTD:CASE WHEN [Reg_Date]>=Date(Year(DateTimeNow()),Month(DateTimeNow()),1) THEN UniqueCount([ENCOUNTER ID]) ELSE NULL END

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I am currently trying to get it into one table but I am not set on that. Trying to figure out the best way to display it and getting the columns is my first step. Attached is a sample of how the data is currently reported. I have several data tables linked up in Tibco and they contain a years' worth of data.
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Facility  Encounter ID Reg Date Unit Type
A 12359 01/05/2020 GMS Inpatient
A 12360 02/05/2020 GMS Inpatient
A 12361 04/05/2020 GMS Observation
A 12362 09/07/2020 ICU Inpatient
A 12363 09/08/2020 ICU Inpatient




With the given table, the values I'd expect to return for reporting of unique encounters registered per unit are:


GMS - Yesterday (0), MTD (0), YTD (3)


ICU - Yesterday (1), MTD (2), YTD (2)


Thank you!

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Thank you for the table.


I would create three calculated columns: Yesterday, MTD, YTD.


In each column check if the 'reg date' is within a given time window. And if yes then make the value 1 else 0. There are multiple datetime function that will help you like Day, Month, Year or DateDiff.


Then use those three columns in your cross table. 


I think this is straight forward. But let me know if you need further support here. 

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Here are the three calculations for the three columns


when DateDiff("day",[Reg Date],Date(DateTimeNow()))<=1 then 1 else 0




when (Month([Reg Date])=Month(DateTimeNow())) and (Year([Reg Date])=2020) then 1 else 0




when Year([Reg Date])= Year(DateTimeNow()) then 1 else 0



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