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Calculated column no longer valid when moved from dxp file to server

Robert Eaton

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Hey All,

I have a calculated column using the following formula

DateDiff([One Year Forward From Date Approved],Today())

the data type is timespan of course and it works great on the .dxp file dashboard however I receive this error message when the dashboard is saved onto a server for sharing

The following columns are no longer valid: Days Until Renewal Due

Because of this I am left with a blank column and a visual which is not correct. Does anyone have any thoughts or solutions I am trying to find a solution not involving Iron Python or any other type of script if possible but will explore that if need be.

Thank you

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spotfire_version.jpgThe formulas are in the database. fabd you have a great point i think the version is the problem. The .dxp file version is 10.4 but on the server it is version 7.11 and this creates the issue. Does anyone know how to fix that problem. I've already asked and am told our server is 10.4 but when the program saves it to the server it becomes 7.11
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