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making a Cross table with custom expression - error

Lin Peng

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I am trying to create a cross table from two different data table sources and I am running into some issues and I would really appreciate your input.

Table A format:

Unique Number/Element/Comments/...

Table B format (for each unique number, there are a few test dates and volume associated with it):

Unique Number/Test Date/Volume/...

Idealresulting Cross Table format:

Unique Number/Element Name/Last Test Date/Volume from Last Test Date

Here is what I have in my expression

[A].[unique number] as [unique Number], [A].[element] As [ElementName],(Max(.[Test Date])) as [Last Test Date], If(.[Test Date]=[Last Test Date], [Volume], 0)

when I run the table, I got an error that [A].[Last Test Date] does not exist. Is there a way I could get to the calculatedvalue in [Last Test Date]

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