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JSViz IFrame sandbox properties

Colt Street

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Chrome is now requiring that IFrames have the sandbox property: "allow-downloads" to be added if one wants to use downloads from the JSVis javascript code.

Is there a way to add properties to the IFame container for JSVis visualizations in Spotfire

If not can Spotfire add that as default

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you try the following in your code,

function renderCore ( sfdata )


allowModals (); ...

}function allowModals ()


for ( const i of parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'))


if (!i.sandbox.supports('allow-modals'))


console.warn("Your browser doesn't support the 'allow-modals' attribute :(");



if (i.sandbox.contains('allow-modals')) continue;

console.info(i, "doesn't allow modals");



console.info(i, 'now allows modals');



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