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how to allow the external users in Web browsers in Spotfire for particular folder

Anusha V

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We are using NTLM authentication in our spotfire environment and now external users has to access one particular folder and they are not part of Server domain.

Please consider the below scenario of our requirement and help me with configuration part in Spotfire server.

If the client computer belongs to a separate Windows domain (without trust established to the server computer's domain), the current Windows session is not valid in the Windows domain of the server computer and the user will be prompted for user name and password. The user must then enter the user name and password of a valid account that belongs to the Windows domain of the server computer.




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Hi Anusha,

How are these external users logging onto your network And would it be ok for those users to logon with username/password in Spotfire Because if that is the case, you could set them up as Spotfire enterprise users. Cluster them into one group and connect thos group to the one folder they should have access to

Otherwise, there must be a system in place for external users. From my experience, external users needed 'special' accounts before they could be added to Windows AD. Do you have a similar process in place

Kind regards,


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Hi David,


As per my requirement external users are not supposed to loginto my network but they should only view the reports in web Browser.


It would be OK if they login with Username and password also.


what kind of changes to be done to make it happen at Spotfire end could you please guide.







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Hi Anusha,


Where is Spotfire installed Is it in some public environment If so, you can set up groups and users from the management console. You do not have to configure anything else inside Spotfire, as this is Spotfire's default user/groups mechanism which can be used alongside the NTLM authentication/authorization.


If Spotfire is installed inside the network, users must log on to it somehow, I think. I have seen companies using some kind of VPN like access to their networks, allowing users (intern and extern) to access Spotfire from non-company laptops/mobile phones. But that would require to store the external users somewhere in your verification systems.


Kind regards,



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Hi David, 


Thank you so much for your valueble time.


eariler Client was using SSRS tool and they had two URL's, one for internal and another for external.


same kind of scenario expecting in Spotfire too.


AS per our conversation i understood that there is no such mechanism to provide access for external user without trusting the domain in spotfire.


and Spotfire is installed in Private network and it's restricted.







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Hi Anusha,


I would ask TIBCO Support (support.tibco.com) and ask if there are options to use an internal and external url. I would expect, since Spotfire is in the private part of the network, that users would always have to be known somewhere in your customers groups/users applications. But our supportteam might give you a better answer to that.


Kind regards,



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