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how to disable the login prompt for external users in Web browsers in Spotfire

Anusha V

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We are using NTLM authentication in our environment but when we are trying to login in Web browser it is prompting for credentials.

But now my requirement is there anyway for Single sign onuser base( without prompting for credentials exclusively for external users).

what kind of changes we need to make at our spotfire server and node manager end to disable the login prompt in Web browsers.

we are using Spotfire server 10.6 version



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Hi Vonukuri,


When I look at the description about NTLM single sign on, it says this:

The NTLM authentication method reuses the identity information associated with the user's current Windows session. This identity information is gathered when the user initially logs in to Windows.

When both the client computer and the server computer belong to the same Windows domain or two separate Windows domains with established trust between them, this can provide a single sign-on experience.

If the client computer belongs to a separate Windows domain (without trust established to the server computer's domain), the current Windows session is not valid in the Windows domain of the server computer and the user will be prompted for user name and password. The user must then enter the user name and password of a valid account that belongs to the Windows domain of the server computer.

Is the external user coming from a different untrusted domain perhaps As this would then require the logon credentials for Spotfire.

Kind regards,


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Thanks for the reply!!!

We are going to use below scenario.

If the client computer belongs to a separate Windows domain (without trust established to the server computer's domain), the current Windows session is not valid in the Windows domain of the server computer and the user will be prompted for user name and password. The user must then enter the user name and password of a valid account that belongs to the Windows domain of the server computer.

I believe domain trusting will happen at firewall/Network end.

If it is Spotfire end what kind of changes to be taken place




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