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How to access Spotfire's internal query

Jacqueline Seufert

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I am using TIBCO Spotfire Analyst. I am trying to modify an existing dashboard which is linked to external datasources in an Microsoft SQL data base. When I change the filter settings, it throws an error as the database has been updated. In the notification box, I can see the SQL query Spotfire is running and I know the source of this error. However, I cannot figure out how to edit this query. I have come across the suggestion of information links, but unfortunately I do not have Spotfire Professional.

Is there any way I can access and edit the internal query Spotfire is running based on filters

All help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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If you want to check the problematic query, you can make use of the below link:https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire-analyst/10.4.0/doc/html/en-US/TIB_sfire-analyst_UsersGuide/other/other_enabling_logging.htm

I am not sure what exactly you are using, so you can see the Data Menu >> Data Connection(s) option and check the things further.

Also, apply the latest available Spotfire Server and Analyst hotfix at your end:https://support.tibco.com/s/hotfixes#

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