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Some questions/issues - Embedding Spotfire in a Website

Gustavo PESCADOR 3

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Hello community,

Following the most recent domumentation (Last updated date wise, links below) I am not able to set a dashboard on my Website (Using IIS locally)

I got errors such as:

1. 'spotfire' is not defined

2. spotfire.webPlayer.createApplication is not a constructor

I am basically copy pasting the html code and arranging the server and analysis path. What can be wrong


For information, I was able to rearrange everything and it works but just working in Chrome and with warnings.

For example once change I did is the api instance form "/js-api/loader.js" to "/spotfire/wp/GetJavaScriptApi.ashxVersion=10.9"


I am using Spotfire Server 10.9

Thanks for any information you can give.



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