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How can I add databases from a linked server as a data source in Spotfire

Brandon Day 2

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I have multiple data sources configured correctly on a reporting server. On that reporting server, I have a linked server that has the SQL database I am trying to connect to.


I've tried specifying that database name in my connection string, but am unable to save the data source.


Am I missing something in the connection string Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Current string:





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You can do it one of 2 ways. If you are using information links and are trying to browse you will not see them. But I have before in the past created the information link, then edited the SQL.

I have found that the above way was too hard to manage in the long term so normally I just create views or Stored Procs on the Database server and add them.

Create a stored proc on the db server, add it as a stored proc (query) in information designer.

That will allow you to change the stored proc on the DB Server and it would normally not have an adverse affect on spotfire. (ie adding new columns to the stored proc and you don't have to add them in information designer, they will automatically add to the dashboard when you open it.

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