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Changing background color of a text area in Spotfire TIBCO at runtime

Ramya Sk

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I want to change background color of a table in text area using the property defined. That is the property value will change at runtime. Everytime when the text area is refreshed it should have the latest background color for the table
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var list1=["a","b","c"]

var list2=["d","e"]


var tableid= document.getElementById('tableid');

var name= document.getElementById('name'+).textContent;



if(tableid !=null)


tableid.style="color: ADFF2F; background-color:ADFF2F"



else if(list2.indexOf(String(name).trim())>-1)


if(tableid !=null)


tableid.style="color: #DAA520; background-color:#DAA520"



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