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Hide Menu bar in Spotfire 10

Indranil Banerjee 2

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I have prepared a report in Spotfire 10 but when the report is being access from Spotfire URL at the top of the report menu bars are also showing.

I have tried appendiing &option 1-0,2-0,3-0 at the url but after logout and login the menu bar is showing as it is.


Can you please help me with a solution so that these menu bars will be permanently hidden.


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Export the currently used Web Player Service Configuration.

Open the "Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config" file and set the "showToolBar" parameter to "False".

Save the file and import the configuration back to the server.

Update the Web Player Services to use this new imported configuration.


Exporting the Service Configuration:




Importing the Service Configuration:




Note:This will remove the entire toolbar includingsearch options, collaboration, filters, etc. There is an existing enhancement request on TIBCO Ideas Portal for which you can upvote it and add your comments to it.


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