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Embedding an Excel file to an information link while retaining date prompts

Gabriel Yeong

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Hi all,

I have been exploring TIBCO Spotfire for a while now. One of the main uses of TIBCO Spotfire I use it for is to extract reports on pre-determined dates. For eg. Opening the Information link allows me to select Upper and Lower Limits of the date I want to extract for 2 days prior (e.g Upper and Lower limit = 15 APR 2020).

To better supplement the analysis of data, I will include a new column as a "Vlookup" by attaching an Excel file. In my context, all data in Spotfire are in Countries eg. JAPAN, while my Excel file has a list of entries to VLOOKUP against. (JAPAN -> North Asia). However, this involves a series of steps:


Select dates I want in Spotfire (Upper and Lower Limit)

Add said Excel file in Data Canvas(This is for the reference) by using the + function

Add Columns, and select the common header

Once data is populated use Cross Table

Change the Headers, add subtotal, change formatting of numbers to include 1000 separator, etc


On a daily basis, I have to repeat the steps to extract data 2 days prior. Alternatively, I was recommended to add the Excel file, change data properties of the Excel fileand change to "embedded in analysis". I tried this option and saved the file in .dxp format. However, whenever I reopen the file, I no longer have the option to key in the Upper and Lower limits. There is no prompt from the .dxp file. Meaning to say that I only have data based on when this .dxp was last generated.

Is there any way I can retain the date prompts of the information link, while having the Excel file embedded in the data for the added vlookup columns Your inputs are greatly appreciated!

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Hi ejalsbor


Thanks for your input. After embedding the data as "Stored Data in Analysis", do I save it as a .dxp file Reason I'm asking is because after doing so, I no longer have the option to select the dates I want from the main data source.upper_and_lower_limit.png


As above, when going the usual route of opening the information links, I will be prompted with the lower and upper limits of the dates I want to use. For eg. I will select Apr 20th for both lower and upper limits, and the data will be populated based solely on Apr 20th.


After embedding the excel file, this pop up no longer appears. Openig that .dxp file only loads the information relating to the date where I last saved opened and embedded the .dxp file. Can you please advise


Thank you



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