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Spotfire 10.3 - Insert hyperlink into Graphical Table and use rowaxis value to pass as a parameter to the link

Grazia Palmisano

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Hello everybody,

I have a seemingly simple request that I don't know how to achieve and if it is feasible.


I have a graphical table to which the user has asked me to add a column that have to contain a link (e.g. https://host/par=valuerow) to a web address

to which to pass (as a parameter) the value contained in the clicked row.


This thing have to work on webplayer clearly not only on the analyst.


Could you help me at least to create the phyton script that "get" the value of the row clicked For an action...

In attach the simple example of the graphical table with the column "code" to pass as a parameter and the column link...


don't tell me it can't be done... :(


Anyone know how to do it

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