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KPI Cascading

Marco Rossi 2

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I have just started to use Spotfire to develop Dashboard and I have a doubt about KPIcascading.

I want to build a dashboard in which I use KPICharts to show KPI but also to filter data.

On the top I have the KPIChart which shows the KPI by year, below another KPIChart whichs shows KPI by product.

This second KPI Chart (product) is filtered with the selection made on the first KPI Chart. (with marking)

The 3th level is a simple line Chart filtered with the year and product KPI Charts, which shows the sales volume during each week for the selected year / product.

My problem is very simple, when I select (changes) the selection on the firts KPI Chart, for example a mark a differentyear, the second KPI Chart updates the KPI values but without marking any KPI tile.

This behaviour implies thatthe 3th line Chart doesn't show any data.

Do you know if there is a way to mark (withironpython script or something else) a Product KPI Chart tile when I click on the Year KPI Chart



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You have not mentioned which products should get marked in the 2nd KPI chart when you click on a tile from the 1st KPI chart.

Since the line chart is Sales value for each week during a particular year/product, I understand that you need to select (mark) bothyear (from 1st KPI chart) and a product (tile from 2nd KPI) manually.

If you want to consider all the products from the 2nd KPI chart, you can create this line chart as details visualization from the 1st KPI chart (right-click 1st KPI chart >> Create Details Visualization >> Line Chart) and configure it accordingly.

If you are still not clear, you can elaborate it and share your file (with embedded data) so that I can take a look.

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