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I want to Addrows to my datatable thanks to IronPython, with data coming from multiple Excel files


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Hello community :)

For one of my projectI want to Addrows to my datatable thanks to IronPython, with data coming from multiple Excel files.

Indeed, I have a folder with Excel extracts that are loaded each month with monthly data. I need to upload all this data into Spotfire and I think IronPython is the best way to do it.

My objective is to add the rows of the newfile (each month) to the Spotfire Data Table to be able to visualize them.

Could you help me

Thanks in advance!



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There is no public ExcelDataSource API exposed by Spotfire.

You may want to check below wiki which uses Mocrosoft library Microsoft.Office.Interop to achieve the same:

How to import multiple Excel spreadsheets in TIBCO Spotfire Using IronPython Scripting


You can also vote for the below existing idea:

Excel file(xls/xlsx,etc) Import API


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