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How to connect Spotfire to a web page using REST API

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We've tried to connect Spotfire to this page https://openapi.dev.proveedores.linko.mx/ created with swagger. The goal is to create dashboards in Spotfire with the information in that page. Acoording to a search in support pages, that could be done using a code in IronPython. The most representative exampe that we are trying to implement is the one explained in this link ( https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/ironpython-script-access-data-web-service-using-httpwebrequest-and-parse-returned-json ). In this exampe there is no need to authenticate and the code reads the Jason format containing the information from a table, using the libraries Urllib or Urllib2 in order to consume the web service. Ours is more complex implementation as it requires authentication among other stuff (data format). Has anybody done a similar implementation, or a suggestion regarding how to codify the script to connect to that page It would be easier if Spotfire included Urllib3.
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Using Iron Python script will always be restricted or not as flexible in its implementation. There is no direct API as such for the same.

In order to consume a web service in spotfire, you can use the ODATA connector available in Spotfire. Only odata endpoint url is accepted here. Make sure you are able to see data with that Odata url on the browser.


And if it is published as a view instead of web service, then you can also use TIBCO Data Virtualization connector available in Spotfire to connect to TDV and access that view.


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