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Ironpython syntax error issue

Anthony stark

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Hi Guys have the follow lince of code below:

import datetime

todayDate = Document.Properties['CurrentDateTimeProperty']

if todayDate.day is 1:




The error im getting when i run this is: "AttributeError: 'DateTime' object has no attribute 'day'

when i try : if todayDate.day = 1: (instead of using "is"), i get this error: SyntaxError: unexpected token '='

How can i get the code to recognise the ['CurrentDateTimeProperty'] property

Thaanks in advance

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While the document property may be a datetime it does not have the method .day


You can wrap your document property in datetime.datetime() so that is has the .day method.


import datetime

todayDate = datetime.datetime(Document.Properties['CurrentDateTimeProperty'])

if todayDate.day == 1:




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