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storing marked values even when the active page is changed

Geetika Saini 2

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Hello Fellows,

I have a requirement to store the marked data in a text area.

In my use case, I am invoking Iron python script to navigate to a different page hence script given in below link is not working as My active page is getting changed every time I am marking data on the page



I am attaching mydxp which navigate to new page whenever we mark the data on the first page. I have added a text area where I need to store the marked values.

I will appreciate if anyone can provide me any pointer or help to achieve the functionality

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Change the marking of your table on page 2 to a different marking than the visual on page1.

I opened your dxp and the functionality seems to be working.

I mark item(s) on page1 and it navigates to page2 showing me the marked items.

If I change the marking on page2 to "new marking" then no markings I make on page2 affect the document property selectedValue

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Markings are working fine and it is navigating as well. 


My use case needs to save the values I marked on the first page. If you check the text area on the second page of my dxp, you will see that I want to save those selected values in text area.


That is what I am trying to achieve



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Thank you for the Help, Appreciate the effort.


Though I still have a question, I am not sure if that is something we can achieve here in this case, but I would Like to know your thoughts.


Is it possible to store the selected values as value 1, value 2 under different document property


like I showed in my text area, the reason I am asking this format because using the values of those document Property I want to limit my other visualization but in this case, they are coming as concocted string labels which I cannot use in limiting expression.

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With some extra python scripting yes you can assign to other document properties. 


But how many items are can be marked  




Instead of assigning to multiple documents properties I would use  python to format correctly for use in the limit expression. 




What type of expression are you wanting to use

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Thank you for your response.I want to use the expression in data limiting.


I will be marking two points at any give time on the Line chart in my dxp.


once I receive these points, I want to store them as T1 and T2 in any document property.


Now I want to use these T1 and T2 to limit the data in other table where I have time as one of the columns


Basically I want to extract the data  between T1&T2 timelines from other tables 


These tables are related but have different Timelines







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Set up two docuemnt properties (labels) as DateTime then update your scritp to: 




# This script just checks that there is a value in the input, and if so changes the page

selecetedValue = Document.Properties["selectedValue"]

if selectedValue!="":
 for page in Document.Pages:
   if (page.Title == "page 2"):
z = selecetedValue.split(',')
Document.Properties["MyVal1"] = z[0]
Document.Properties["MyVal2"] = z[1]



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@tyger0951- I have implemented the script we discussed above, I am having one error-"Could not execute function call 'pagechangefunction'Could not execute script 'changepage': 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'"This is appearing when nothing is selected on the Graph, I know its a valid error as our script work only when something is selected but I was wondering is there any way to get rid of the error as it will be issue for users if they get this issue every time 

 I hope you can help me out with this error

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