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Need some clarification on how to configure a load balancer for two Spotfire servers version 10:3(LTS)

Avinash Sunkara

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Could you please help me how to implement F5 load Balancer on Spotfire servers.

I have to set up the two Spotfire server in load balancing mode. For that, I am thinking of doing setting up a cluster of Spotfire Servers. Is it the right way. Basically I am following the below thread.


Do I need to change any configuration other than enabling The 5071 port

Another question if I am clustering the serve, how can I add the load balancer or public end URLon top of the servers


Anyone have any documents or architecture or link Please share me. it's urgent, please.



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Other than choosing a relevant port number for clustering within the Spotfire Server configuration, you will have to also set the "public address" too. You may set the public address from within the configuration tool or run the set-public-address command from the command line interface as in the following documentation link.


On the F5, all you need to do is make sure session affinity (sticky sessions) is configured and an appropriate timeout value set for the session.



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