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Calculated column with OVER function

Richard Pobi

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I am using the OVER function for a calculated column but I keep getting error.


when [Category]='Good' then Avg([Actauls])over ([id])


The above expression works fine. The below expression is what I want to apply, but it gives error . I need to add the value 10 after the average.


when [Category]='Good' then Avg([Actauls]) +10 over ([id])


Attached is my dxp file. Thanks

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The 'over' keyword expects aggregated function before it which defines on which particular subset you want to apply the aggregation. Adding extra '+10' makes the expressioninvalid. May I know what exactly you want to do Or you can use the following expression if this helps.


when [Category]="Good" then Avg([Actauls]) over ([id]) + 10


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