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What does everyone think about Tibco moving the tabs to the bottom in Spotfire 10.3

Gunnar Wolff 3

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At my company we have a number of applications that use Spotfire in Mashups. These applications depend on the tabs being at the top.

We are currently "upgrading" to Spotfire 10.3, and this new 'design' is causing all kinds of problems, as they don't even allow for tabs to be displayed at the top optionally.

Seems that Tibco continues to ignore how customers are actually using the product, making design decisions that will drive customers away.


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Hi Gunnar, thank you for the good feedback. There is an enhancement request TS-I-6826 already logged on the Ideas portal to "Allow page navigation tabs to be moved back to the top of the screen". Please make sure you go and vote there to show the importance of this for you. You can now also vote 1 to 5 times on ideas in order to help prioritize. I know TIBCO product management puts a lot of focus and importance on those ideas and the votes, so that is the best place to communicate that need.




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Just to add to what Sean Riley write, also note that there is a community page -  https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/spotfire-10-design-rationale ("Spotfire 10 design rationale") - where the Spotfire designers explain the rationale behind a number of the changes in Spotfire 10, including moving the tabs to the bottom. As stated in that page, "We acknowledge the need for customization and the possibility to design Spotfire applications where page navigation could be placed either in the top or bottom section.". Voting for the idea Sean mentioned is the best way to get this prioritized.   







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  • 3 months later...

Tabs may be moved to the top by hacking into the Spotfire DOM model with 3-lines of javascript. Call the javascript from a textarea on the current page when the DXP opens.

var PageBar = document.getElementsByClassName("sf-element-page-navigation-bar");

PageBar[0].style.top = "1px";

PageBar[0].style.zIndex = "999";

This works for the v10.3 client and in Webplayer on IE v10,


Note that such programming is unsupported by Tibco and may not work with future releases of Spotfire. Furthermore, it does not move the viewport for the page tabs to the top of the screen so the repositioned page tabs will overlay the top of each page's visualization area, therefore space (28px) must be left blank at the top of every page so that the page tabs do not obscure.

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