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I am trying to get some specific images in visualization in Spotfire, I found that source of images can be either a binary column or .

Anjali Garg

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I am trying to get some specific images in visualization in Spotfire, I found that source of images can be either a binary column or .sbdf file. But how to create the .sbdf file as i only my data in form of excel file.

How to insert a binary column or .sbdf file (with data in excel file)

Does anyone have a step by step process for how to do this in a spreadsheet, for example

Thank you!

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  • 3 years later...

Hi There:

I am having the same problem and I found little information about how to do this or any examples that really give you some steps. Back then did you manage to get some help from TIBCO or anybody else, and if this is the case do you mind sharing

thanks, Maria

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