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Ironpython for creating filtering relationships between tables: please help making my code more pythonic.

K Rojas

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I am using the code below to pass filter selections from table A to table B in Spotfire. I am doing this to create a filtering relationship between the tables, but skipping the creation of a traditional Spotfire table relationship, as this is not advisable in this setting.

The code is associated with a document property which itself is driven by a simple data function, following the instructions foundhere.

After it is triggered, the code finds a specific filter in table A. It reads the content and creates a list. It checks the length of the list, and if greater than zero, it takes the filter object and passes it to the matching filter in table B. If nothing is selected (len = 0), then the matching filter in table B is reset. The process is repeated for multiple filters.

As far as I can tell it works on my machine. But even as a complete beginner, I can tell it is poorly written. I would appreciate suggestions and feedback on how I can make it better.

Full disclosure: I have also asked this question here, but I haven't gotten much traction. I understand using ironpython within Spotfire is pretty specialized.

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent

from System import Guid


#Get the active page and filterPanel

page = Application.Document.ActivePageReference

filterPanel = page.FilterPanel



#get information for the first filter

theFilter = filterPanel.TableGroups[0].GetFilter("Reason")

lbFilter = theFilter.FilterReference.As[ListBoxFilter]()

#get information for the second filter

theFilter2 = filterPanel.TableGroups[1].GetFilter("Reason")

lb2Filter = theFilter2.FilterReference.As[ListBoxFilter]()


#check if any selections are made in the first filter

n = []

for value in lbFilter.SelectedValues:


if len(n)>0:

lb2Filter.IncludeAllValues = False


#if no selections are made, reset the second filter





theFilterPT = filterPanel.TableGroups[0].GetFilter("Type")

lbFilterPT = theFilterPT.FilterReference.As[ListBoxFilter]()


theFilter2PT = filterPanel.TableGroups[1].GetFilter("Type")

lb2FilterPT = theFilter2PT.FilterReference.As[ListBoxFilter]()


n = []

for value in lbFilterPT.SelectedValues:


if len(n)>0:

lb2FilterPT.IncludeAllValues = False




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