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Combo bar and line chart with different y-axis starting positions for all datasets


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Can Spotfire create a combo chart based upon cumulative averages and create a bar chart with non-zero starting positions What I'm looking for is displayed below (excel):




This is graphing the average drilled (bar) with variable starting points (depth In) as well as the speed (ROP). This is done with stacked charts (Depth In + Drilled) with Depth In as 'no color'. Below is as close as I seem to come in Spotfire:



There are 2 issues:

First when I add 'Depth In' it adds a new trellis. If I remove the trellis it fails. Decondly is the whole non-zero starting postion. The actual stating position is 'depth In' plus 'drilled', it seems ot ignore this. Excel sheet is attached.

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You cannot get exact combination chart in spotfire. With the given dataset, closest you can get this in Spotfire.

- Stacked bar chart cannot be achieve with multiple scales so depth in cannot be shown as white

- Bars cannot be colored with different X-axis otherwise you will lose the ability to show line with multiple scales

- Scale can be reversed but expanding it to only show drilled numbers bar is not feasible

You can file enhancement request for the features in ideas portal:


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