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Tibco Spotfire webplayer data load version 7.11

Avinash Sunkara

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Spotfire web-player version 7.11(LTS) loading the data

After reading a couple of threads I am in little bit confused.

I have a DXP which contain both JDBC(information link ) and ODBC(Data connection).If I am opening in the client JDBC (information link access the data through (TSS)

If its an ODBC(Data connectors) these type of connection do not go through the ( TSS).


My question is -


1Q)If I save the DXP file in Spotfire library and I want to open it in the web player(assume that it was not cached)how the data is going to be load on the web player.For ODBC connection Webplayer is going to load the data directly by connection to the database or TSS going to connect the database load data


2Q)How it's work in schedule update

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Hello Avinash,

1) Spotfire Node Manager is going to communicate with the Spotfire Application server which in turn is going to communicate with the data source to fetch the data. Below is the flow.

Web User==>Web Player/Node Manager==>Spotfire Server==>Data Source==>Spotfire Server==>Web Player/Node Manager==>Web User

2) It works the same way in schedule update. There is no difference. Instead of the end user, its the Spotfire internal account"scheduledupdates@SPOTFIRESYSTEM" that perfoems the operation, that's all.If the report is cached through schedule update, it is available in the Web Player instance cache which is going to display the data directly without going to the data source. It is stored in the Spotfire database.

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If it's an Informationlink it will communicate with the TSS.example:

1>If user trying to open an analysis file on web browser  which is using dataconnection how this connection work.it still communicate with TSS OR Webplayer is going to load the data without communicate with TSS2>How its work in Schedule updates if the DXP is using  connectorsMy understanding The data connectors and another direct client connection required the drivers to be installed on every client machine and require a direct connection to the data source from the client machines as well.These type of connection do not go through the TSS.If its on the Web Player then the load will be on the Web Player server as its a direct connection with the database from the Web Player.The cache is built on the Web Player so one thing we have to make sure is that the Web Player has enough ram available to cache all the reports you would like to. 

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1>If usertrying to open an analysis file on web browserwhich is using dataconnection how this connection work.it still communicate with TSS ORWebplayer is going to load the data withoutcommunicate with TSS

=>In case of data connection, NM communicates with TSS and checks whether the user has access to load the specific report or not. If the user has required permission to load the report, NM reaches to the data source and pulls the data from there directly, for the user. TSS does not pull the data from the data source here.

2>How its work in Schedule updates if the DXP is using connectors

==>In case of scheduled update, it works the same way as explained above. Only difference is that the user account used to access the data in the web player internally(for schedules update purpose) is an internal Spotfire user account"scheduledupdates@SPOTFIRESYSTEM". The data is then cached on the Web Player instances(NM).

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