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Current Fiscal Quarter

Aditya Singh 3

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You can use the aboveexpressions to get current Quarter.

On your Document Properties ->FiscalYearOffset can be changed to have the start month of your fiscal calener match in Spotfire.

Specifies the number of months from the start of the calendar year to the start of the fiscal year.

For instance, a value of -1 specifies that the fiscal year starts in December of the previous calendar year, whereas a value of 2 specifies that it starts in March of the current calendar year.

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That will get you exactly what you need!




Perhaps I should have explained more :


You can use more than one function in a if statement so you get a Boolean response if the years match the current year and current fiscalquarter or even use fiscalyear(). 


Using a year() and month() function combined you can achieve your results. 




Or even create a calculated column that concatenates the year and month and use that result versus the concatenation of today() or datetimenow() year and month. 


You can then use :


If(year([date])  =year(datetimenow) and fiscalquarter([date]) =fiscalquarter (datetimenow()) , true,false)




Check out this post as well https://spotfired.blogspot.com/2014/09/last-week-month-date-expressions.htmlm=1

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