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TERR function does not work for On-Demand data table

Georgi Koemdzhiev

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Hello, I am trying to implement the TERR R function part of the "Simple Decline Curve Analysis Data Function for TIBCO Spotfire" - DCA-hyperbolic fittingV1.2.sfd. The function is run on an On-Demand data table.Currently, in my analysis file I have the following data tables:

- DNA_Wells (In-database data table)

- DNA_Wells_OD(On-Demand data table)

- result (data table that is output from the TERR function)

The workflow is the following. The user selects a well from a Map chart that is using the In-Database data table DNA_Wells. As a result of that, the DNA_Wells_OD table is being populated with the well's details that the user selected on the map. The problem is that the TERR function that I have to be invoked and the result data table should be populated but that does not happen (i.e. the result data table is empty) and I do not see any errors being shown in the notification area (i.e. using the Analyst).


There is a warningthat is being generated (see the notification bell)when I select a well on the map which sais the following:

Invalid property value

An invalid property value was returned from the server and ignored


Data function Untitled debug output

Unmarshalling 2 input parameters.

Input 'col.Date', sent by inline XML


- attr(*, "tzone")= chr "UTC"

Input 'col.Production', sent by inline XML


- attr(*, "Csingle")= logi TRUE

Done unmarshalling input parameters.

Marshalling 5 output parameters.

Output 'Hyp.qi', sent by inline XML

data.frame w/ 1 obs. of 1 variables:

$Hyp.qi: num NA

Output 'Hyp.b', sent by inline XML

data.frame w/ 1 obs. of 1 variables:

$Hyp.b: num NA

Output 'Hyp.Di.daily', sent by inline XML

data.frame w/ 1 obs. of 1 variables:

$Hyp.Di.daily: num NA

Output 'Hyp.Di.annual', sent by inline XML

data.frame w/ 1 obs. of 1 variables:

$Hyp.Di.annual: num NA

Output 'result', sent by inline XML

data.frame w/ 0 obs. of 4 variables:

$time.days: num(0)

$time.months: num(0)

$production: num(0)

$theo: num(0)

Done marshalling output parameters.


I have changed the 2 inputs of the TERR function to take an input from 2 columns from theDNA_Wells_ODdata table (here is a screenshot of one of my inputs:


Can somebody let me know what I could be missing out I am not really sure why my TERR function is not being executed.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello Georgi,

Sorry for the delay.

As configured the parameters, the R function waits you select at least one row as a parameter to be executed. Note that "Marked rows" have 0 rows.

If you want to pass as parameter a data frame to R function change "Filtered Rows" to "Current filtering". It is possible to combine both methods of parameters, Filtered Rows, and Marked Rows.

Let me know if this worked for you.


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