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On Page Load JavaScript No Longer Working In Spotfire 10

Sean Tabor

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Upon upgrading from Spotfire 7.10 to 10, the following JavaScript no longer triggers (clicks) the desired action control upon page load (i.e. to clearthe marking onthe page automatically everytime you navigate to it, where the action control resets the marking upon being clicked):







$('#triggerActionControl a').click()


Does anyone have a fix for this in Spotfire 10

I have tried various combinations of JavaScript/JQuery without any success so far.

Any help would be much appreciated!



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Hi Wani,


Thank you for your comment; the link you have provided is very useful for setting up JQuery widgets (I used it to create a popup :) ) but it does not provide any insight towards triggering an action control using JQuery/JS in Spotfire 10 unfortunately.


Additionally, from recent experience, the JQuery widgets do not appear to be compatible with action controls either :(



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Hi Shandilya,


Thank you for your comment but I'm afraid this does not work :( UPDATE: Hi Shandilya,It turns out that this does work (apologies!) but, as discovered here, it only works when the action control is a button (I was using a link).

As I wanted to use an existing link, and didn't want to  add this button to the page, I hid the button using the following:



 <span id="triggerActionControl" style="display: none"> <SpotfireControl id="b352aff0e82247c58199b4h288f7eb46" /></span>JS:$("#triggerActionControl input").click(); Thank you!

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