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I'm currently creating a chart via some python scripting, and I'd like to add a Show/Hide Item rule to it, still in the script.

Thibault BAUDARD

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I'm currently creating a chart via some python scripting, and I'd like to add a Show/Hide Item rule to it, still in the script.

I've been trying to play around with FilterRule, FilterRuleCollection, TryToGetFilterRule, but I can't figure out how to have it working...


Here is a part of my code to create a chart (a crosstable in this case):


#Gets the visualization

for visual in Document.ActivePageReference.Visuals :

if visual.TypeId not in (VisualTypeIdentifiers.HtmlTextArea,VisualTypeIdentifiers.TextArea) :

vis = visual


if visTypeStandard == "Cross Table" :

#set to Cross Table

vis.TypeId = VisualTypeIdentifiers.CrossTable

#Cast to cross table plot

vis = vis.As[CrossTablePlot]()

#Set rows by critere1

vis.ColumnAxis.Expression = xpression

#Set the MeasureAxis expression

if Headcount == " " :

vis.MeasureAxis.Expression = ypressionconsolideeSimple

elif Headcount == "Pondr" :

vis.MeasureAxis.Expression = ypressionpondereeSimple

#Hide Legend

vis.Legend.Visible = False

#Totals and Subtotals

vis.ColumnSubtotalsLayout = 0


vis.ShowColumnGrandTotal = True

#Change the RowHeader size

for index in range(vis.RowHeaderWidths.Count) :



#resize cells


#Change the value of the VisTypeStandard property

Document.Properties["VisTypeStandard"] = "Cross Table"



There is no problem doing what I need via the UI, but can't get it to work.


Do somebody know how to do that with the API

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