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Is it possible to define the inputs that control loading an On-Demand Data Table through IronPython scripting

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hello everyone,


Is it possible to define the inputs that control loading an On-Demand Data Table through IronPython scripting Essentially I want to do:


1. Allow the user to make a column selection from a drop-down list and assign this to a document property.

2. Store the user input in an input field box and also assign this to a document property.

3. Use an action button/script to set which information link parameter to load on demand from (i.e. load based on my input for Column B now instead of Column A).


I don't know how to do item 3. I'm thinking there must be some DataTable (or perhaps Document) property that stores the load On-Demand settings for an information link.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!



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  • 8 months later...
What you can do is set up 2 document properties. Bind the Empty one to the On-Demand table. Bind the other to the drop down. When they select an item out of the drop down you can make a script fire to check what they selected and populate the appropriate value into the Document Property that is bound to the On-Demand table.
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If need more info on it. You will create a document property named "dpDropDown", and another called "dpOnDemand". You would bind a script to the "dpDropDown" that would then populate the "dpOnDemand" with something like:

if Document.Property["dpDropDown"]=="Wassup";

Document.Property["dbOnDemand"] = "Waaassssup"

You can also call a table.Refresh() in there also to make it where it doesn't load automatically.

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  • 3 years later...

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