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Chemical Structures Not Rendering Properly

Charles Noon

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A handful of users I support have begun experiencing issues with having their chemical structures rendered.Instead of an entire structure displayed, only part of a structure will be visible, with part of the structureout of frame.

Various actions such as disc cleanups, reprofiling, and toggling the 'Hardware Acceleration' setting has apparently fixed this issue in the past, but as of recent none of these fixeshave helped.

It seems to be a profile-specific issues, as it will ususally one affect one user's profile on a given computer, however reprofiling hasn't been working either. Is there an additional set of usersettings stored on the Spotfire Server that could be scrubbed as well For one user we even gave her a new computer but the issue persisted. For another user its only an issue if he's on WIFI.

Install settings are as follows:

SpotfireAnalyst version is 7.11.0 LTS

Build version

Lead Discovery

ChemDraw Renderer

Win 10 OS

8 GB ram


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