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Map Chart Filtering Selections Carrying Across Multiple pages of Graphs

Christian Hart

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I am relatively new in usingSpotfire. I have built out a map chart as a starting point for filtering on specific wells. I have a few table visualizations on the first page that filter down perfectly when I select a well. When I go to the next page where Ihave a few line charts and bar charts that tie to a different table that has a relationship made to the table that is used on the first page. These don't seem to be filtering down when I make the selection on the map chart on the first page. I have tried to steer them to the marker from the map chart on the first page but this does not seem to work.

The ultimate goal is for all the charts to filter off the well selections on the initial chart. I know thisis possiblebut I seem to be missing something.

Any suggestions I am new and maybe jumping into the deep end here on my first try.


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Hi Chris,

What you describe should work if you want a related table to only show the marked items on the map. Couple of things to check on the second page:


Check that each visual has been set to filter based upon the marking that is used on the map by ticking the Limit data using markings




Another thing to check if the marking is working is that when you mark wells on the map, the related items should be highlighted on your second page. If not, something is wrong either with the relationship or the marking selected

Another check I do is create a new page and add atablethat is used for the map layer as a table visualisation. Then add the table used on your line charts etc underneath this. Mark a row in the first table, and check that the related row(s) are marked in the second.


Another method that you can help check the relationship is working but is very useful in general is to set your second table to filter to the same items in the first table. That means if you use a filter (rather than marking) on the first table, the second table also gets filtered. This will show you if the relationship is working.

To get the other related tables filtering when you filter the first table follow these steps:


Open the filter panel (Funnel icon on top right)

Find the table name of the table you wish to react to the filters

Click on the icon that looks like two tables overlapped:




Then set the filtering to:



Now your table should react and match the filtering based upon the relationship with the main table on your first page.

You can set up some complex relationships and chains of filtering using a mix of related tables and controlling the filter behaviour above.

Hopethis helps




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Thanks for your help Colin. I tried your steps and I think I found out what my problem is. My source table called " Well parameters" has a well ID defined as my marker. This well ID has a defined data table shared relationship with another table that has all the production data. The well ID is the constant between the two tables. I can see in my data table connections that this relationship has been built. So I am wondering why a marker from one table would not limit the connection from another table. Is this possible


My hope was to use the wells on the map chart as the marker trigger to limit all the fields. If this is not possible, can I use the map chart to trigger a filter value instead


Thanks again for your help.



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Hi Chris,

From what you describe I am sure this is possible unless I am misunderstanding it.

3 options I can think of:


Check the column data types of both the related columns to make sure they match in both tables (you can do this the Menus->Data-Column Properties or by using the data in analysis icon (middle one from the left panel), clicking on the column and then the cog above on top right). For instance if one is an integer and another is real, then that may be causing you issues

Open a support case (https://support.tibco.com/) and get them to check

You could post your DXP or an example DXP here. However, only do that if you have dummy i.e. example data in the tool and not any real data, or private information etc. you would not wantshared.


There are other ways to do as you describe but better to try get this way working first.



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