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How to get values from a list box filter(for multiple selection) and set it in a document property

Prateek Rawat

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Hi All,

I am using below script to get the values from a listbox filter:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import ListBoxFilter

#get a reference to a listbox

filt=Document.FilteringSchemes[0][myDataTable][myDataTable.Columns["System Id"]].As[ListBoxFilter]()

#to get the active filtering reference:

#filt = Document.FilteringSchemes[Document.ActiveFilteringSelectionReference][myDataTable][MyDataTable.Columns["symbol"]].As[ListBoxFilter]()

#loop selected values

for value in filt.SelectedValues:

print value

This works fine for single value selection, but doesn't work for multiple selections.



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Hi Prateek,


The answer you want will probably depend on the output you are looking for, I use something similar to pass values to a document property, in order to use it in data limiting in another table. You could use something like the below which would give the following output:

", "","

Used in a data limiting expression you can refer to this as:

[ThingToFilter] in ("${FilterList}")

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import ListBoxFilter

from System.Collections.Generic import List

from System import Array



#get a reference to a listbox


filt=Document.FilteringSchemes[0][myDataTable][myDataTable.Columns["System Id"]].As[ListBoxFilter]()



#Make a new list

FilterList = List [str]();



#add filter values to list in a loop

for value in filt.SelectedValues:




#convert list to an array

valData = Array [str](set(FilterList))


#combine array into a single string with formatting

newList = '", "'.join(valData)


#pass string to document property

Document.Properties["FilterList"] = newList


Hopefully this suggestion works for you :)

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