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How to concatenate two rows which are in the same group

Szymon Mon

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My sample data looks like:

Project | Group | Date | Values_to_concatenate


Project1 | AA | 07-2019 | abc

Project1 | AA | 08-2019 | cde

Project1 | AA | 09-2019 | qwe

Project1 | AA | 09-2019 | asd

Project1 | AA | 10-2019 | zxc


I would like to create new column which allow toachive the following result:


Project | Group | Date | New_Values


Project1 | AA | 07-2019 | abc

Project1 | AA | 08-2019 | cde

Project1 | AA | 09-2019 | qwe, asd

Project1 | AA | 10-2019 | zxc

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You can use pivot transformation. Data > Transform Data > Pivot > Select first 3 columns as Row Identifiers > Select last column in Values section and select Concatenate or UniqueConcatenate aggregation so rows with first 3 column values same will be merged in to one and last column will be concatenated.

Doc: Pivot data


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