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Spotfire Server 404 Error

Natsuki Nakagawa

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I'm upgrading spotfire from 7.1010.3.1.

After running the upgrading tool, start the spotfire server service(10.3.1).

But "HTTP 404" error has occurred.

Maybe tomcat has not strated normally.



Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.spotfire.server.LifecycleManager]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is com.spotfire.server.ServerInitializationException: TIBCO Spotfire Server will not be started. Database consistency verification failed. Errors found:

Unexpected index for table ROUTING_RULES: OracleDatabaseIndex[


uniqueness: UNIQUE



Please give me some advice.

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This database constraints issue will be seen if the Spotfire database user (as specified in the bootstrap.xml) has access to multiple schemas in the Oracle database. To verify, run the following query as the Spotfire database user:


select * from all_constraints where constraint_name = 'ROUTING_RULES_UC2'


If you get multiple results back, then you need to remove the access to the old database for the Spotfire database user or create a new user with only access to the currently needed schema. Once that is done, restart the TIBCO Spotfire Server.


If you have multiple constraints missing in your Spotfire DB, then I think to resolve this you need to create missing constraints with the help of your DBA.

As you are upgrading from 7.10 to 10.3.1, so you can refer DB script that comes bundled with 10.3.1 for oracle (create_server_db.sql). Using this create db script you need to create missing db constraints with the help of your DBA.

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No need to restart machine but Spotfire server service from services panel (services.msc).

If you still getting Database consistency error then as I mentioned earlier please check ifthe Spotfire database user (as specified in the bootstrap.xml) has access to multiple schemas in the Oracle database. To verify, run the following query as the Spotfire database user:


select * from all_constraints where constraint_name = 'ROUTING_RULES_UC2'


If you get multiple results back, then you need to remove the access to the old database for the Spotfire database user or create a new user with only access to the currently needed schema. Once that is done, restart the TIBCO Spotfire Server.

If you have multiple constraints missing in your Spotfire DB, then I think to resolve this you need to create missing constraints with the help of your DBA.

As you are upgrading from 7.10 to 10.3.1, so you can refer DB script that comes bundled with 10.3.1 for oracle (create_server_db.sql). Using this create db script you need to create missing db constraints with the help of your DBA.

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