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How to prepare a line chart for K means clustering

Pedro Bastos 2

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If you are not really interested in line chart clustering specifically, but clustering in general, you may want to look at:


The Sample analysis file called "Advanced Analytics" that comes with the Analyst client. Look at the page called "Easy segmentation of data", and in particular look at the custom expression that is used on the coloring axes in those plots. It uses the TERR function kmeans to calculate the color of markers. You are then not bound to line charts specifically.

For other types of clustering (besides kmeans), you may want to create a Heat map with dendrograms. You then have several options for the clustering method, distance measures, normalization, and null value replacements. See for examplehttps://www.tibco.com/blog/2017/09/18/spotfire-tips-tricks-hierarchical-cluster-analysis/for a quick introduction.

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