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Configuration Blocks & Parameterized Information Links

Matt Semmens 2

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Good morning,

I was hoping someone might have some advice on an issue I'm having when trying to use configuration blocks for the first time.

I have Report A which runs overanaggregated data table as the source data is over 35mil rows. Each reference number in the aggregated table relates to 10-20 rows of data in the source table. In some circumstances a user might want to look up those 10-20 rows of data, so my idea was to use a parameterized information link, and pass the reference number to Report B, wherein the information link would bring in the 10-20 rows of data pertaining to that reference, rather than bringing in the whole 35 mil rows.

In the information link for Report B I set up a filterfor REFERENCE // Values // P1. This in turn generated my new Parameter P1 and added the following code to the SQL:

AND (F1."REFERENCE" = P1)When opening the information link, I am now prompted for a reference number, when I put the reference number in - it loads up the correct data. Fantastic.

When opening Report B in the Spotfire desktop client I am prompted for a reference number. When I put the reference number in - it loads up the correct data. Fantastic.

When opening Report B in the Spotfire web client I get a "Missing Data" error message(see attachment 1)and the report opens with no data.

This isn't the end of the world, as I was planning to pass the parameter details to the report through a configuration block as per below:

http:///spotfire/wp/OpenAnalysisfile=//REF/PS_CB&configurationBlock=%3FP1%3D350558582002529294.24092019%3BWhen opening Report B through the above link, the report loads, but there is no data shown. What am I doing wrong

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Check the following article on how to set the configuration block,



Currently if I decode your configurationBlock it is,

P1=350558582002529294.24092019;The above is incorrect. It should just be,



encoded as,

P1%3D350558582002529294.24092019%3BTry this and see if it helps

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Hi Shandilya,


I really appreciate your idea - I tried your solution and it didn't work - in the page that you linked to it states:

Information link parameters reference the names in the configuration block using the following syntax: param_name.

 This is why I had used the question mark as part of the configuration block.

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Hi Shandilya,


I have tried a number of variations as below:










I'm thinking that there probably isn't an issue with the way I am passing the data through as it doesn't flag up any issue with the syntax when loading, but for whatever reason, when the visualisation is loaded through webplayer, the paramater is not being used as part of the SQL query.

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Hi David,


We used to have a report built by an external provider which had some very clunky on-demand data driven tables and that had put me off of using them, but following your recommendation I've tested this and it seems to work pretty well for this solution!


I really appreciate your comment, and although I'm still confused and frustrated that I couldn't get the configuration block method working - the solution you've advised seems like it will be effective and straight forward for the end user.


Thank you.

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Hi Matt,

Nice to hear that it is working this way as well.

I do understand that you're frustrated with the configuration block set up. I have attached a dashboard that uses a script to create an url, open the same dashboard in a web panel inside the original dashboard and filter on Gender (this is the configuration block part). You may use this example to investigate further the configuration block set up.

Kind regards,

David Boot-Olazabal

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