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Statistica Access Violation


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Sorry about the tag, Ican't seem to find Statistica for some reason. On to my question, I am running amacro that copyscells from a excel sheet in a network drive and paste them into a spreadsheet in my workspace, which is also on a network drive. Even though Statistica have no problem opening and writingto the spreadsheet, everytime it trys to open the excel sheet, Iwill get a access violation error. I tried just plain importing the excel sheet, which also gaveme the access violation error. I am still kinda new to SVB and macro in general, so Iam wondering if there is a way to open the excel file in readonly mode similar to how you would do it in VBA(readonly:=true). Maybe that will fix the problem


P.S: I tried the setattr function on the ecxel file, it just gives me a could not open file error. Getattr returns 32.I am even more confused now.

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