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How to loop through all visuals and check any line chart exists in active page of spotfire

Shivaganga B

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You can use the below script to loop through pages and visualizations and check for any existing linechart

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *

from System.Collections.Generic import List



for page in Document.Pages:

print "Page Name: "" + page.Title + "" and Number of visuals: "+str(page.Visuals.Count)

for vis in page.Visuals:

if str(vis.TypeId) == "TypeIdentifier:Spotfire.LineChart":

print vis.Title

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I got the expected result through following code:page=Document.ActivePageReference

print "Page Name: "" + page.Title + "" and Number of visuals: "+str(page.Visuals.Count)

for vis in page.Visuals:

    if str(vis.TypeId) == "TypeIdentifier:Spotfire.LineChart":


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