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A few questions

Pei Hsuan Shen 2

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I am a novice at TIBCO. I am reading "TIBCO Spotfire: A Comprehensive Primer - Second Edition". Then, I have a few questions. Can someone answer any question

1. What is the meaning of "limitdata using markings" in picture1

2. What is the reason why I can't change the line chart using the text bar (Dropdown list)


3. It mentioned that "Add Bookmark Special" in the book, but I can't see it.

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1.What is the meaning of "limitdata using markings" in picture1

If you have two visualizations say "VisA","VisB" and"VisA" is configured to use "MarkingA" and "VisB" is configured to use "MarkingB". Now for the second visual "VisB" if the limit data by marking is set to MarkingA then, the data in VisB will be based on the data marked in VisA

2. What is the reason why I can't change the line chart using the text bar (Dropdown list)

In the line Chart Visualization, right click on the Yaxis expression and select Custom Expression. In the expression dialog remove the current expression and type${KPIChartValueAxis} and hit ok. Now if you change the drop down it will change the yaxis expression for both the visualizations

3. It mentioned that "Add Bookmark Special" in the book, but I can't see it.

In the bookmark panel, right click on the " +" icon and you should see two options Bookmark and BookMark Special

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